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Chaparral 2017-2018: 26.6 Classified Council Notes

Classified Council Notes

by Wendy Grove

Classified Council President

As the spring semester is soon to end, it is time to look back at some of Classified Council’s greatest hits and bittersweet moments. For the bittersweet, we said a formal farewell to the recently retired Jenny McMahon at the Retirement/Recognition Luncheon. Jenny McMahonJenny was involved with Classified Council for many years and served in just about every role, including president. She volunteered an abundance of her time and her spirit to our fundraisers and events. Her absence is deeply felt by all of us. However, she is happily retired and we are happy for her. We are also fortunate to have added two new board members, Susie Moran and Linda Perry and look forward getting them fully involved in Classified Council.

May has been a wonderful month of activities. Classified Council sponsored two events for Classified Employees Week. The Bingo games earned some lucky players a few prizes. One of the multi-game Bingo winners was Yvette Hassakoursian from the Math Division who won four times! The 50/50 winner was Alejandra Soto from Admissions and event

The annual basketball game was also held during Classified Employees Week.

The team of employees won 52-47 over a very competitive student team. Thanks go to Austin Kemie for putting together the employees team and Andre Manukyan for helping with the student team. The winning team of employees received a trophy and $50 prize money. They graciously elected to donate the $50 to the Student Worker Scholarships.

Basketball winning team

Earlier in the spring, we co-sponsored a well-attended staff development event with Soroptimist International of Glendale on human trafficking. It proved to be a successful partnership, bringing guest speakers to campus to discuss a topic important to our community. We will be looking at more community partnerships in the future to bring a variety of speakers to campus.

The Student Worker Scholarship applications were due May 25 and the committee will be getting together soon to select recipients.  

Scholarship recipients will be honored at the annual Classified Council picnic, which will be held Wednesday, June 6 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the Culinary Arts Patio (SV 280). Many thanks to Andrew Feldman, chair of the culinary arts department, for letting us use this beautiful new venue for our event. Everyone is welcome to attend. Members get free lunch and non-members pay $10 at the door or may pre-pay one of the Classified Council board members before the event. The RSVP and sandwich choice (veggie or turkey) must be made by June 1.

Go to and click on the picnic link to submit the form. We look forward to seeing you at our year-end event!  

Visit the Classified Council website

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