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Chaparral 2017-2018: 26.3 Classified Council Notes

Classified Council Notes (November 2017)

Classified Council Notes

by Wendy Grove
Classified Council President

Event Poll

Fall semester activities for Classified Council are almost over, so it is time to start planning for the spring semester. The Classified Council board welcomes input from our members in helping us plan future lectures, activities, presentations and networking events. We also welcome member volunteers to serve on committees and at fundraisers. As we begin planning the events for spring 2018, we invite you to take this poll to indicate preferences for future events:

What type of event would you like to see sponsored by Classified Council?
Off-campus gatherings: 5 votes (50%)
On-campus presentations by various GCC departments: 3 votes (30%)
Educational lectures on social issues: 1 votes (10%)
Presentations by ASGCC and/or student clubs: 1 votes (10%)
Total Votes: 10


Holiday See's

We are currently gearing up for the Holiday See’s Candy fundraiser. The items will be available for purchase on campus the first week of December. These are the choices this year:

The boxes are $7 each and the lollipops are $1 each. Contact any board member to place an order or stop by the table in the Administration Building lobby to purchase them. The list of dates for the table sales is forthcoming. However, ordering early ensures that you receive the items you want before we run out.

Holiday Party

The annual holiday party fundraiser is also fast approaching. The Thursday, Dec. 7 event at Acapulco restaurant in Glendale is a Classified Council tradition. We have several raffle prizes, including game and event tickets, gift cards, gift baskets and other great items. The Classified Council holiday party is often referred to as the most fun event of the year, so do not miss out. Find the details at and click on Holiday Party. You can print out the RSVP form and return it with $20 for current members and $25 for non-members. We hope to see you there!

As we approach the end of the semester, I want to thank our membership, supporters and board members for everything they do for Classified Council year round. Thanks also to everyone who helps make our scholarship fundraisers successful by purchasing any of the items or buying raffle tickets. It means so much to the scholarship recipients. 

We will likely not have any events during the winter session, but you can always contact any board member with event ideas or questions and remember to check the Classified Council website at for any updates. A new collage of photos from the upcoming holiday party will be added soon.



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