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Chaparral 2017-2018: 26.3 Adjunct Junction

Adjunct Junction (November 2017)

Adjunct Junction

By Brian Reff
2nd Vice President, Glendale College Guild

Ideally everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving!

I suspect that many of you have wondered what I have been doing as the Second Vice President of the Glendale College Guild this past month. I have spent many hours meeting adjuncts and others regarding exciting things like payroll issues, answering questions about health insurance, retirement issues and just being supportive of everyone who works here at Glendale College. I have spent many hours working on the Guild Negotiations Team trying to make Glendale College a better and more lucrative place for us to work.

Additionally, when I am not teaching or attending meetings, I have been out meeting with instructors who are not members of the Glendale College Guild trying to get them to become members of the guild. I have also been working on the New Blue Campaign. The New Blue Campaign is where we ask you to fill out a New Guild Membership Form (they are blue in color, hence the name), so that we may destroy your old form which has your Social Security Number on it and replace it with a new form on which we will place your Employee Identification Number. If you aren’t sure if you are a member of the guild or if you have filled out a new guild membership form, please fill one out and submit it. Thank you!

"Thank you very much for the Outstanding Job on Campus Equity Week!"

Since I last wrote to you, many things have happened and many things that were supposed to happen haven’t!

In things that have happened, the first thing I would like to do is to say, “Thank you very much for the Outstanding Job on Campus Equity Week!”, to Juliann Wolfgram and to Sandy Somo. They both worked very hard on Campus Equity Week.

We also had an election where we ratified many tentative agreements and a pay raise!  We had a Guild Membership Meeting, where the suggested contract re-openers were presented.

The Glendale College Food for Thought Food Pantry held its Second Annual Thanksgiving Raffle Fundraiser. There were many happy winners and many needed dollars were raised to purchase food for the pantry.

The Academic Senate held their Annual Holiday Luncheon. A great time was had by all us who attended. A special thanks to Chef Andrew Feldman and the Culinary Arts Department for the phenomenal lunch they prepared. Additionally, if you have been enjoying the food provided to you at the Guild Meetings since the beginning of the Fall Semester, they have been responsible for that also.

Now on to things that didn’t happen that were supposed to happen, and when they might happen!

Correct Leave Hours being posted on your paycheck: In my last column, I asked you to look for them on your November 1, 2017 Paycheck. Well they weren’t there! As I attempted to get clarification as to why this didn’t happen, all I got was a bunch of finger pointing, along with the following information. We hope to have everyone’s correct leave hours posted online in January 2018. Everyone’s correct leave hours through the end of the Fall 2017 Semester will probably be posted on their March 2018 Paycheck. Additionally, we were told that the correct leave hours for adjuncts would be posted on adjunct paychecks twice a year. They will be posted on your paycheck following the end of each semester.

My sources have indicated to me that the PAYRAISE that we were supposed to receive on our December 2017 Paycheck will be delayed to our January 2018 Paycheck. The check for our retroactive monies due to our pay raise will now most likely come in April 2018, not March 2018.

If you have any questions, concerns or ideas, please contact me!

Have a Fantastic Winter Break!


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Glendale College Guild

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