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Chaparral 2018-2019: 27.2 Letter from the Editor

Harvest is a time when you reap what you sow.

While this phrase may carry the connotations of a portentous warning, its literal meaning is just what it says—harvest is a time when you gather what you have planted earlier on in the year. Perhaps we might harvest some corn or sweet potatoes; after all, Fall Harvest is traditionally a festival celebrating the bounty of nature as summer comes to an end.

Or perhaps we might harvest the small nuggets of knowledge planted by our professors, which have, over the years, bloomed into mature crops. Isn’t that what we want for our students? Certainly we wish that every student who leaves our classroom will take with them a mastery of the skills and knowledge we intended to teach, but in reality we know that many students pass through our classes displaying only a rudimentary level of skill. This is why it can be valuable to bear in mind our long term goals and recognize that for some students, that harvest may come later than for others. A pertinent question, to that end, might be to ask ourselves: what do we really want our students to take away from our courses, aside from the ability to demonstrate passing-level skills by the end of the semester?

As we know, learning doesn’t stop just because a class might be over. Wouldn’t it be rewarding to find out that the seeds you planted here at GCC ended up helping a student later on in life, when their skills had matured and were now ready for harvest?

In this issue, you’ll find information about Campus Equity Week, the Classified Council’s Fall Pizza Party, the history of sports at GCC, opportunities for staff development, fall negotiations and the national labor movement, fall wellness activities (and food!), and a special interview with Wendy Fonarow about her Halloween Trifecta project.

Happy harvest! Curl up with a pumpkin spice latte and enjoy reading.


Joanna Parypinski

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