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Chaparral 2014-2015: 23.4 Milestones

David Fulton

David Fulton's (English) poem "Solo Boulevard for Trumpet and Strings" was recently published in Toasted Cheese Literary Journal. "His poetry has appeared in numerous journals including Caffeine, Poetry Motel, The California Journal, and Toasted Cheese. His poem 'Hubris' was shortlisted for The Pushcart Prize. He lives with his wife and perhaps too many cats in Sherman Oaks, California."

Emily Haraldson

photo of Emily HaraldsonEmily Haraldson's (Art History) first article, "Inequity for All," for the journal FACCCTS was recently published in the Winter 2015 edition. Emily joined the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges (FACCC) Publications Committee in the Fall 2014. She plans to write more on the issues that face all faculty in the community college system, particularly on adjunct issues. If there are issues pertaining to the community college system you'd like to see addressed in FACCCTS, send those ideas her way.

Pat Hironimous, Susie Chin, and Shant Shahoian

Pat Hironymous (Credit ESL), Shant Shahoian (English), and Susie Chin (Library) were invited to participate in a panel discussion at the 2015 Hawaii International Conference on Education, held in Honolulu, January 5-8. Their research and presentations were supported by a Japanese grant on the use of rhetorical questions in teaching and learning. Pat Hironymous presented "Developing Style: Rhetorical Questions in ESL Student Writing," Shant Shahoian, "You Didn't Come Here for Answers: The Use of Rhetorical Questions in Tutoring," and Susie Chin, "Student Research Questions: Moving from the Rhetorical to the Actual."

Angela Morales

photo of Angela Morales

River Teeth: A Journal of Nonfiction Narrative recently announced Angela Morales (English) as the winner of the 2014 Nonfiction Book Prize: "Her collection of essays entitled The Girls in My Town was selected by contest series final judge Cheryl Strayed. The book will be published by The University of New Mexico Press and made available in the spring of 2016."

We want your Milestones!

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Tuyetdong Phan-Yamada

Tuyetdong Phan-Yamada (Mathematics) will be delivering two presentations on pi-weekend, March 13 and 14, 2015, at California Mathematics Council Community Colleges (CMC3-South). "Hypocycloids, Hypotrochoids and Polar Curves" compiles several theorems relating to Hypocycloids and Epicycloids with the aim of providing a project for calculus students interested in a further understanding of polar curves. "A Visual path from Z to t to ANOVA" demonstrates a statistics project in which students infer the percentage of left-handed people in the general population from a convenience sample of people carrying out a digital manipulation task using their right or left hand.

Paul Sherman

Photo of Paul ShermanPaul Sherman (Music) has had many recent noteworthy performances in Southern California. Last month he appeared with the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra in performances of Schubert with acclaimed conductor Karina Canellakis and on their Baroque Conversations series with conductor Matthew Halls. He also appeared with Musica Angelica Baroque and the Los Angeles Master Chorale in their performance of Bach's St Matthew Passion in Disney Concert Hall. More recently he was invited as a guest performer to UC San Diego where he performed a series of concerts featuring the music of Stanford Professor and compositional icon Brian Ferneyhough.  Just this last week he appeared at the Disney Concert Hall RedCat Theater in a performance with the "Dutz 4tet" in celebration of the groups 10th anniversary and the release of their fifth album.  Paul's upcoming performances can be found at

Marcia Walerstein-Sibony

photo of Marcia WalesteinSibony and family
 Marcia Walerstein-Sibony  (Non-credit ESL)  and her husband, Nessim Sibony, are delighted to announce  the marriage of their daughter, Orly Reine to Yann Dupis. The marriage  took place  in San Francisco last January.  Orly met Yann while studying abroad in Paris several years ago. The couple are presently  living in San Francisco.
Marcia writes: "We're delighted to have a new member in our family, and we have a lot of nachas from this milestone in our lives."

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