Guild has had a busy Fall semester, and as we are (hopefully) getting ready to wind down and enjoy the holidays, it's nice to reflect on what was accomplished in the past few months. Here are some highlights of what we've been up to.
Update on the 67% Rule
Guild leaders continued to meet with top administrators to discuss our concerns raised about adjunct faculty not being allowed to teach beyond 60%. As a result, we now have an understanding with the District that adjunct faculty may teach in excess of 60% in subject areas where a clearly defined strategy to track adjunct faculty workloads can be demonstrated. Communication continues between the Division Chairs and their respective Deans regarding current strategies to effectively meet student needs and track adjunct faculty workloads. We have already had success in some divisions.
Although there has been a welcome spirit of cooperation between the Guild and the Administration to address our concerns regarding the 67% rule, we have not been able to agree in the area of activities that count towards load, with some exceptions. Therefore, the Guild has commissioned our attorney to write up a legal opinion on what activities count towards load and which ones do not. It is our hope that this will clarify things for both parties, so that we can work together to come up with a mutually beneficial understanding.
Ratification of tentative agreements
First and foremost, we got a 1.325% raise in all academic salary schedules! Also, our adjunct health care fund will receive the additional money required to subsidize all adjuncts who currently depend on District provided health care benefits. Moreover, we extended the healthcare opt-out program at current levels, increased the retiree health care and long-term care allowances as well as the Medicare gap insurance. In exchange, we agreed to increase the deductible and co-pay for our Blue Shield PPO, while maintaining the maximum out of pocket costs. We also agreed to increase the co-pay and prescription benefits on our Blue Shield HMO, and to allow the District to keep the Blue Shield Experience Rebates until the District proposes any additional medical benefit reductions.
Furthermore, for those retiring June 1, 2015 or after, retiree healthcare and long-term care allowances increase from the current $8,500/yr. to $10,200/yr. until the employee reaches Medicare eligibility age (currently 65). For those retiring June 1, 2015 or after, retiree Medicare gap insurance increases from the current $150/month to $200/month for 10 years from initial Medicare eligibility age (currently this would run from age 65 to age 75). We also have tentative agreement (TA) ballots out currently waiting for Guild members to vote on. You can review the TA's at the following link: Ratification ballots are due on December 4, 2014 at noon.
Savings of Guild money
Your Guild Executive committee is working very hard to save as much of our Guild money as possible in order to avoid increases in our Guild dues. We do this by volunteering our labor to keep the cost of Guild lunches down, choosing not to get reimbursed for some costs incurred when attending conferences, diligent work by our Operations Officer, and applying for AFT reimbursements for some of our professional fees.
Guild and Joint appointees to Governance Committees
We have appointed or made recommendations for appointments of many faculty, new and old, to Guild and Joint positions on various governance committees – please review the Blue List periodically and submit your name to be considered for committees you are interested in serving on. Gentle reminder for current appointees: please keep the committee reports coming!
PQE Campaign Committee
Our Public Information Officer (PIO) and the PQE Campaign Committee has started its mission to oversee the nomination of candidates for the next Board of Trustees Elections. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, including potential candidates, regarding the upcoming Board of Trustee elections, please contact Troy Davis at
Check our Facebook page for political action updates. Additional information will be made available on our CFT sponsored site:
Special Presentations
We has special presentations at our Guild General Membership meetings this semester featuring honored guests, such as, Sharon Hendricks, Board Vice Chair of CalSTRS; Ed Derman, Deputy Chief Executive Officer for Plan and Design and Communication for CalSTRS; and, Evan Hawkins, Membership Director of FACCC.
Campaign to Address Funding of COLA
Guild is involved in setting up meetings with key state representatives to lobby for changes to COLA funding.
And More...
In addition to all of the above, the Guild has worked on countless matters impacting our faculty, such as, pay issues, evaluations, reemployment rights, placement and advancement on salary schedules, and working conditions. The Guild Exec and Negotiating Team will be meeting on December 11, 2014 to discuss the openers for the three year contract.
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Glendale College Guild |
Glendale Community College | 1500 North Verdugo Road, Glendale, California 91208 | Tel: 818.240.1000
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