Jessica Groper (English) and her husband, Ahron Frimerman, had a baby! Joseph Immanuel Groper was born March 29, weighing 8 lbs 8 oz. And what are the odds--he was born on his father's birthday!
Kyla was selected for the Montello Artist Residency in Northern Nevada for summer 2015, a two-week individual artist retreat in the remote Northern Nevada desert. The Montello Foundation provides living quarters and an artists’ studio. The space and time are dedicated to experiencing the desert landcape as a place to create artwork, study, and reflect. Kyla will be attending the residency mid-August 2015.
In January – March 2015, Kyla's work was included in the exhibition Manifest American Mythic: Contemporary Art and the Old West, at the Torrance Art Museum.
Connie Lantz (Faculty Innovation Center) successfully defended her dissertations and has earned a Doctorate of Education in Educational Leadership with a concentration in Educational Psychology from USC. Her dissertation is “Women, gaming and STEM majors: Interest and Motivation.”
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Gabrielle Mitchell-Marell (English), and her husband Adam had a baby! Hudson was born at Kaiser Sunset weighing 7 lbs, 3 ounces. Gabrielle had an unmedicated natural birth and wants other ladies to know that they can do it too under the right circumstances! Having a doula helped, she says. Gabrielle also wants to share that she has a new understanding of the meaning of Mother's Day, a new respect for those who decide not to have kids, and a new appreciation for the balancing act performed by working mothers and fathers!
Melissa R. Randel (Theater Arts) is on sabbatical this year and My Echo, My Shadow... is part of her sabbatical work! This devised theatre piece will be playing May 1-17 at the Son of Semele Ensemble Theater. Tickets are available for purchase here.
Here's the "lowdown" from the flyer:
No matter who you are, what kind of car you drive, what job you have, or where you live, there are rules that determine what is “normal.” When the gap between your “normal” and society’s normal is too great, minds fracture and lives crumble. Some people end up institutionalized, others start families...and pass the legacy on. “My Echo, My Shadow… “ begs the question, “Who is sane, what is normal, and who decides?”
Caryl St. Ama (Art), will have current paintings included in a group exhibition entitled, “Old Broads” at the Red Pipe Gallery, in Los Angeles’ Chinatown Art District April 15-22, 2015. The reception is on Saturday, April 18th from 7-11pm.
Caryl had a painting chosen for exhibition in Water Works II an exhibition focused on the myriad issues related to water - from its beauty, its scarcity, its importance to human life, the politics of it, to its environmental issues and beyond. The exhibition was juried by Juri Koll of the Venice Institute of Contemporary Art (ViCA), Heather Stobo of the Porch Gallery Ojai, Peter Frank a Los Angeles based critic, writer and curator and John Yau a New York based critic and writer. Show dates are May 9 -June 8, 2015. Opening reception weekend is May 8, 2015. The exhibition, Water Works II will be held at both Porch Gallery Ojai and Ojai Art Center in Ojai, California.
Merari L. Weber (Credit ESL) earned a doctoral degree in Educational Leadership with a concentration in Teacher Education in Multicultural Societies (TEMS) from USC. Merari's dissertation title is "The role of globalization, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics project‐based learning, and the national science and technology fair mandate in creating 21st‐century-ready students in schools in Costa Rica."
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