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Chaparral 2014-2015: 23.4 Governance TidBit

23.4 Governance TidBit (March 2015)

Governance TitBit: Governance Best Practices

by Frankie Strong

Governance Coordinator


  1. Familiarize themselves with the mission of the committee as indicated on the Blue List and GCC's mission statement. 
  2. Regularly attend meetings; a member may recruit a proxy in the event of absence. 
  3. Know who appointed them and know when their term ends.
  4. Consult with their appointing agency (Guild, Senate, and CSEA executives, ASGCC cabinet, Administration) for general guidance and for specific concerns about policy proposals.
  5. In the event of a disagreement about governance procedures, consult Administrative Regulation 2511, the Governance Document or contact the Governance Review Committee. 
  6. When first participating on governance committees, attend the annual Fall governance workshop


  1. Verify that membership matches the Blue List and (in the case of the 4 standing committees) Admin. Reg. 2511, the Governance Document delineates the standing committees’ composition.
  2. Forward the agenda to the committee four working days before the meeting; include the student government through email; a hard copy may be placed in the ASGCC mailbox. 
  3. Verify that the committee has a quorum (50% of the voting membership plus 1) before action is taken; discussion may take place in the absence of a quorum but no actions or motions can be taken without a quorum 
  4. Verify that only voting members vote – “Resource” members do not have a vote 
  5. Forward a “Motions Report” along with appropriate minutes to the Governance office. A schedule for reporting motions and minutes is forwarded to chairs and minutes recorders each month.
  6. Follow up on actions and decision taken at the meeting.


2-year appointment:  “CSEA” seats

4-year appointment:

                Academic “Senate” seats

                “Guild” seats

                “Joint” faculty seats

4-year appointment:

                “Administration” and “Manager/Confidential” seats

"Resource" members do not have terms.


Persons may be added as members to committees and sub-committees by the various constituencies or by the committee to serve as resources of information; however a resource member will not have voting rights. A resource can be any person a committee feels has expertise to offer with respect to the committee’s business.

Got questions on governance?  Contact Frankie Strong, ext. 5393

Governance webpage  
AR 2511, Governance Document

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