After two years of preparation, writing standards, gathering evidence and getting organized, the accreditation team is finally arriving. They will be here on campus from Monday October 3 to Thursday October 6. They will have their team room in the Facilities Conference Room, 2nd floor of the Health Sciences Building. You may also notice that the Student Center will also be in use for other accreditation visit events.
Another important thing to be aware of are the “Public Forums” that will be held during the visit. What is a “public forum?” In all Accreditation Team visits, the site team must set aside at least one hour of time during their visit to hear from the public. Anyone on campus or within the community is welcome to speak with the site team. Our visiting team has asked for two hours. We hope that the GCC Community will use this time to share their experiences here at Glendale Community College with the team. I know that we all feel proud about the work we do here at the campus, this is your time to let your voice be heard.
Please double check announcements on the GCC Website or the on the televisions across campus for the most up to date information on the public forums.
The last thing the Site Team will do while they’re here is conduct an “Exit Interview.” The team will address the entire college and clue us in on their findings during the 3.5 day visit. We do not have a time yet for this Exit Interview, but know that it will take place any time starting from 12:30 p.m. and will be held in the auditorium. Hopefully we’ll have the starting time Wednesday night or Thursday morning.
Finally, more gratitude. For those of you who attended Faculty Institute Day, you heard me thank everyone for their participation. I just want to say it again. This includes not just faculty but the entire GCC Community. For all of you who worked on the Standards, and wrote the Standards, thank you for your patience. When the Standards changed in the middle of our process of writing, it was frustrating for all of us. Thank you too for your patience with the many edits and the many meetings to go over all the edits. Editors, thank you for be willing to tackle Standards and make corrections as needed. For all of you who answered my emails and my phone calls who helped me track down evidence and data and more data…thank you. This process proves that when we work together, anything is possible. Enjoy the Fall!
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