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Salutations Glendale College Community. The following are some of the latest updates involving local, state, and nationwide political outcomes. Please continue to read on....
MeasureGC passed with approximately 73% of the Glendale Community Vote. Special gratitude goes out to all of those that were involved in the combined efforts in getting this important measure passed. Glendale College ASGCC, faculty, administrators, and board members alike took to the streets for residence canvasing, made hundreds of phone banking calls, and raised over $250,000.00 of personal contributions. Thank you to ASGCC, the Glendale College Foundation, Guild and CSEA Unions, as well as private faculty, and administrative donations. Dr. Viar reminded us all at the latest board meeting that this Measure IS NOT intended for administrator raises, or to pay board members, rather the funds are to assist with the infrastructure of Glendale College, repairing dilapidated buildings and classrooms that were built in the 50's, 60's, and 70's. With restored facilities and upgraded technology this will likely be an excellent recruitment tool in receiving more interest for potential GCC students as we move forward as a premiere institution.
Proposition 55 also passed. Proposition 55 is an extension of Proposition 30 which will continue to allow funds to be allocated for K-12 and community colleges in efforts to support internal institutional programming. Based on recent political events, it is most critical that programs that educate on the needs of our diverse populations be continued and brought even more more to the forefront grabbing the attention of those that can make change possible within the 21st Century.
In regards to political offices, in case you were on vacation under that rock, Hillary Clinton was defeated by Donald Trump for Presidency of the United States, Ardy Kassakhian was defeated by Laura Friedman for State Assembly District 43, Anthony Portantino defeated Antonovich for State Senate, and Kamala Harris defeated Loretta Sanchez for U.S. Senate.
In other news, the Glendale College Faculty PQE Team is currently interviewing viable candidates for Board of Trustee elections to take place the month of April 2017. Candidates for the 2017 elections will be directly coming from Districts 2, 3, and 4. More news to come in future Chaparral Articles.
Stay Vigilant,
Dr. Troy J. Davis
Faculty Guild PIO
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