As a member of the John Davitt Award committee, I was given the task to write about the 2015 award recipients. Recognition is essential for everyone. Every employee wants to be acknowledged and recognized by colleagues and students. The award is sponsored by the Professional Development Center and a thank you goes to Kim Holland, Program Director, who continues sponsorship of two awards annually to a classified employee and a manager/confidential employee. The recipients can be nominated by students, by employees, or by the general public.
What are the criteria for nominating an employee?
The recipients must have done outstanding work contributing to the success of college programs and benefiting college operations. The 2015 John Davitt Award recipients are Corporal Neil Carthew and Dr. Paul Schlossman. They met and surpassed these criteria, and clearly demonstrated the outstanding qualities the committee looked for in our recipients.
“Dr. Paul,” that’s what students call him—when I first heard it several years ago, it was something that stuck in my head—something so warm and respectful at the same time. In the recommendation form, a past officer of ASGCC said, "Dr. Paul is truly a role model for many students. Despite his busy schedule, I know that I can always go to him for help or advice. Speaking on behalf of the ASGCC legislature, he is an exceptional advisor, dean and a role model who always supports beneficial to students projects and ideas.” From another nomination, “I have known Paul for over ten years, and he has been my mentor, colleague and friend. Paul is a community and personal leader with numerous contributions to student leadership and student involvement, particularly at Glendale Community College.” Dr. Rick Perez, VP of Student Services said, "Paul is a visionary, and one example out of many, is getting support of the ASGCC to establish a Welcome Center for students. He is focused on student access with marketing publications, a virtual tour, and social media that his team has developed and implemented.”
Corporal Neil Carthew started as a student and a cadet in the Campus Police department. After successful completion of the Police Academy, he became a police officer and over a year ago, was promoted to Corporal. From a nomination form,” Neil has a positive presence on the campus and is always approachable and helpful to students and staff. Neil has initiated and facilitated several valuable learning opportunities such as CERT Training, Mandated Report Training, Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Prevention and Emergency Preparedness Training.” When I asked Chief Gary Montecuollo about Neil, he said that Neil’s exceptional contributions to the campus community made him an excellent choice for the award. Always available at nights and weekends for questions, Neil has been a guiding force to mold the cadet team (25 cadets) to follow the mission of the college – to insure a student success. The Chief continued,” he has embodied the self-less mission centered approach to serving our campus that Dr. Davitt would have taken great joy in knowing.”
Photos provided by Ann Simon, GCC Public Information Office |
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