Well here we are nearing the end of the Fall semester. Finals are coming soon, holiday party invites are in our Inboxes, and the union continues to battle head-to-head with the administration to get a decent raise that reflects an equitable percentage of the amount of additional dollars the college received this year from Sacramento. Sadly, I have no good news so far on that front, but I promise to keep you posted.
In other union news, I have slowly begun to reach out to those who have yet to sign up as official Glendale Community College Guild members. Of course you most likely know that whether you join the Guild or not, 1% of your gross income is deducted from your pay check to ensure funds for collective bargaining for your wages, benefits, hours, and working conditions. To me, it seems unfair to pay for something without having access to all of its benefits. In order to become a member, all you need to do is fill out an application form and submit it to the Guild Operations Officer, David Hassett, by placing it in an envelope in the Inter-Office Mailbox in the Garfield mailroom or by scanning it and emailing it to dhassett@glendale.edu.
Here is the link to the Guild membership form:
http://glendale.edu/Modules/ShowDocument.aspx?documentid=11740 |
One of the main reasons why it's important as a non-credit employee to become a member of the Guild is that it gives you the right to vote on matters that directly affect us at Garfield. You can also vote on election of officers, run for Guild office, give input on contract development, and vote on contractual matters that have been negotiated.
The Guild also works on many personal matters for individual faculty that can’t be reported for privacy reasons. But know that we’ve lent a hand to many of your colleagues and that we are here to help you as well if it is within the scope of what the union can do. That being said, here are a few updates:
KEYS: We received an email explaining the new process for faculty to request keys. Basically, if you would like a key to your classroom and to the Staff/Faculty restrooms, please send a request via email to your division chair. A lot of work went on behind-the-scenes to make this possible, so, if you haven’t requested a key yet, please do so.
CONTRACTS: We received contracts in our mailboxes to be signed and returned to Human Resources. It was discovered that the contracts stated 15 weeks instead of 16 weeks. This was a typo. If you have not yet turned in your contract, cross out the number 15, handwrite the number 16 and initial above it. If you have already turned in your contract having signed for 15 weeks, we have been told that an updated copy of the contract will be sent to you.
Last month I wrote a short promotional note regarding the Garfield Book Fair. Please read Rosemarie Shamieh’s report on how well it went. |
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Visit us on the web: www.glendale.edu/guild and http://gccguild.org
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