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Chaparral 2021-2022: 30.1 OUR Wellness

by Jason Plourde
Wellness Coordinator

18 Months

We have been in this pandemic situation for 18 months now. A very stressful 18 months. Most of this stress is caused by the unknowns. An unknown virus, when are we coming back on campus, how do I teach online, mask or don't mask, vaccine or no vaccine. All of these stressful unknowns added to our already stressful lives can definitely take a toll on one's mental health. We can't avoid the stress, but we can cope with it! Here are a few ways the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) suggests for coping with stress:

  1. Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories
  2. Take care of your body
  3. Make time to unwind
  4. Connect with others
  5. Connect with your community

The OUR Wellness Program can help you with numbers 2, 3 and 4 above. This semester we are offering Zumba, yoga and weekly workouts to help you take care of your body. Physical activity is a great way to cope with stress. When you partake in these activities it helps you unwind. And, although these activities are held via Zoom, you get to connect with others. If these activities aren't for you, no big deal, just do something that you like to keep you physically active. 

The OUR Wellness Program not only cares about your physical health, but also your mental health as well. Physical health and mental health go hand in hand. The more physically healthy you are, generally the more mentally healthy you are. 



Keep up with Vaquero Wellness or follow @vaquerowellness on instagram and facebook!

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