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Chaparral 2021-2022: 30.4 OUR Wellness

OUR Wellness

by Jason Plourde
Wellness Coordinator

Moving Forward

With this month's theme being "Moving Forward", I wanted to talk about moving forward (or changing) your wellness. How does one go about changing their wellness? The same way you go about changing any other behavior. Many of you are probably familiar with the Transtheoretical Model for behavior change. Believe it or not, you can apply that same model to your wellness. If you're not familiar with it, here is a brief description:

  1. Precontemplation – failing to recognize the need for change
  2. Contemplation – seriously considering the need for change 
  3. Preparation – making small changes
  4. Action – exercising for less than six months
  5. Maintenance – regular exercise lasting longer than six months
  6. Termination

The final stage, termination, is perhaps more of a destination – an end state.
Here's a great article that explains everything in depth:

I would say that most of us are in the contemplation stage, considering change, but maybe not knowing quite how to do it. That's where the OUR Wellness Program can help. This semester we are offering the following for you to start "Moving Forward" on your wellness journey.

Monday evenings 5:10 - 6:10 p.m.

It's a great way to get your body moving. You don't need to know how to dance, you just need to get your body moving..

Wednesday evenings 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.

It's a great way to work on your mental wellness and your physical wellness at the same time.


I will be opening the Fitness Center (on campus) Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.
This is just for faculty and staff, no students in attendance at that time. We have cardio and resistance equipment. I can help you create a workout, or show you how to use the machines.
You can also use the Fitness Center during the PE hours:
M - 11am - 1pm
T - 8am - 10am
W - 8am - 10am
TH - 11am - 1pm

3/23, 4/6, 4/27, 5/4, 5/25, 6/8

Vivian Hermiz uses many different techniques that will benefit your mental wellness.

Starts in May

I will send out more information as we get closer to the start date.

I am here to help you in "Moving Forward" with your wellness journey. Don't be overwhelmed, feel positive about your journey, and take it slowly.

Keep up with Vaquero Wellness or follow @vaquerowellness on instagram and facebook!

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