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Chaparral 2021-2022: 30.1 CSEA Connection

Importance of Effective Communication

by Narbeh Nazari
CSEA President


At our Classified Retreat, we had a great presentation in regards to human relations in the workplace and communication skills. We learned that these skills would allow us to understand and be understood by others. They can include but are not limited to effectively communicating ideas to others, actively listening in conversations, giving and receiving critical feedback.

diversity Good communication is important when the workforce is diverse.

Good communication is important when the workforce is diverse. Learning the communication preferences for different groups would help us better understand the information conveyed to us.

Additionally, a better understanding amongst college staff could directly impact student success by building those interpersonal skills which would result in helping our students reach their full potential and positively impact their experiences.

In today’s professional organizations, online social websites are a typical example of how many of us communicate. But there is a problem. We lose some of the necessary components for effective communication when we use social platforms.

When we are communicating with a coworker in person, most of us have all sensory fields open to us: we can see and hear them, provided there are no barriers from the environment, individual perceptions, culture or language.

There’s no doubt about it, communication can be complex. We use many non-sensory things to understand communication. Our beliefs, attitudes, thoughts and feelings are a big part of our interpretation and understanding of information.

It is important to practice effective communication skills by recognizing that differences exist. Practicing good listening skills and asking varying types of questions would also help better understand our colleagues.

I believe, the best way to effectively communicate with someone is by modifying your tactic to figure out what works best for that specific person.

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