The Senate had a busy spring semester. The following Administrative Regulations and Board Policies were discussed, reviewed and/or revised:
• AR 4230 Grading & Academic Record Symbols
• AR 4231 Grade Changes
• AR 4232 Pass/No Pass
• AR 4240 Academic Renewal w/o Course Repetition
• BP 4226 Multiple and Overlapping Enrollments
• BP 4230 Grading & Academic Record Symbols
• BP 4240 Academic Renewal w/o Course Repetition
• BP 6110 Scope of Instruction
• BP 4030 Academic Freedom
• AR 5055 Enrollment Priorities
• BP 2435 Evaluation of the Superintendent/President
The following motions were passed:
• Motion: The Senate recommends an increase in the CODEcoordinator’s release time from the present 50% to 80%, from the present time through academic year 2015-2016, in order to ensure time dedicated to the Accreditation process, DE Certification development and procedures, Course Addendum navigation, ensure the application of the GCC DE Policies across divisions and assist divisions in quality assurance in DE instruction and course design.
• Motion: The Senate approves the advancement in academic rank of those professors recommended for advancement by the Academic Ranking Committee
• Motion: The Senate recommends that Institutional-Set Standards stay as they are for academic year 2014-2015.
• Motion: The Senate advises the Guild to negotiate elimination of the non-instructional Tuesday before finals in the fall semester of next year’s academic calendar, and to restore this day to an instructional day. If the Guild determines faculty are working an extra day per term, then faculty should be compensated in some other manner.
• Motion: To accept recommendation by Governance Review Committee that Program Review become a governance committee, with the recommended composition of members.
• Motion: The Senate adopts the CFT proposed resolution to the ACCJC.
• Motion: The Senate adds the Library and Database Coordinator as voting members of the SLO committee.
• Motion: The Senate adds the SLO Coordinator as a voting member of C&I.
• Motion: The Senate names the SLO/PLO database program the Learning Outcomes Database (LOD).
Next Year’s Senate and Senate Executive:
The Senate elected two Senators-At-Large in April: Nancy Getty and David Glover. Elizabeth Bryer (English), Barbara Flynn (Life Skills/NC Business) Antonio Battaglia (Technology/Aviation) were elected new division Senators.
I would like to thank the Senators who will be leaving the Senate at the end of this semester. Alice Mecom, Rosemarie Shamieh, Aram Ohanis, Jessica Groper and Phil Kazanjian. The Senate appreciates the time, effort and sacrifices each of these individuals made to serve on the Senate the past three years.
The Senate has elected new officers: Andy Young President, Paul Mayer 1st Vice President, Cindy Pollack 2nd Vice President, Cameron Hastings Treasurer, and Roger Dickes Secretary. Michael Scott will serve as Past President and Budget Representative.
Finally, after four years as president, I want to thank all those that made my presidency a productive and enjoyable time. I wish Andy Young great success. I know from working with him for many years, that he will do an outstanding job.
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