Adjunct Junction by Phyllis Eckler, Guild 2nd Vice President
Finding the Information You Need
With our busy schedules it is sometimes difficult to access necessary information right when we need it. The GCC Guild webpage has a wonderful repository of articles and documents that can help adjunct faculty navigate the sometimes confusing rules, policies and timelines of the district. These articles can be accessed by going to and then clicking on the Adjunct Faculty tab.
Recently added is an article on “Understanding Your Paycheck” that explains how to check if you have been paid correctly. An updated version of “The Adjunct Evaluation Process” is also available there. This is a must-read for anyone who will be evaluated this semester. The new rules for getting on the Rehire Rights List are included in this document.
Everyone should check to see if they are on the Rehire Rights List (RRL) each fall semester (which is when a new one is provided to Human Resources by the division chairs). The office of Human Resources can help you find out if you are on the list. Before e-mailing Val Dantzler in Human Resources, please check your own records to ascertain whether you have ever received an “exceeds standards” evaluation. This designation will appear on the summary page. Starting this past spring, anyone who has taught at least ten semesters at the college and has received one “exceeds standards” evaluation outcome should be on the RRL. If you have not been evaluated on your regular cycle (within the first two semesters to start with, and then once every three years), you may also have a right, by default, to be on the RRL.
Assignments for spring should be set, so if you have not heard from your division chair, please get in touch with him/her to find out if you will have an assignment in the spring. While our district budget may still be subject to cuts in December, most class sections have been set for spring with those cuts in mind.
Finally, it looks like the district may be changing its online course management system from Blackboard to Moodle. This decision is still going through the shared governance procedure; however, if you will need retraining in the new system, contact Connie Lantz or look for her schedule of workshops sent to the campus community by e-mail.
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For any comments or question, Phyllis Eckler can be reached at or at extension 1122.
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