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Library Services


5 black and white & 1 color all-in-one copiers/scanners/printers are located in LB 302.

  • Black and white copies are $0.10 per page
  • Color copies are $0.50 per page
  • Copiers accept payment in coins and $1 bills
  • Black & white copiers # 1 & 2 accept credit cards ($9 max)
  • Color copier accepts credit cards ($9 max)


Any of the all-in-one printers are able to scan documents.

  • Costs $0.05 per page
  • Documents must be scanned to a USB flash drive

Want to Scan for Free to Your Smartphone? Use Adobe Scan!

The free Adobe Scan mobile app works on your mobile device as a photo and document scanner that creates PDFs and automatically recognizes text. Here's how to use Adobe Scan:

  1. Download Adobe Scan on your smartphone: Adobe Scan for Android | Adobe Scan for iOs
  2. Sign in using your GCC Google account (should be the same username and password as your account)
  3. Add your name and any date of birth and "Create Account".
  4. Give Adobe Scan access to your camera. Do not give access to your notifications.
  5. Open the app and wait for the camera to be ready.
  6. Tap the screen to scan the image or document. Follow instructions on the screen for the best results.
  7. Once the app captures the document, use the edit menu to rename, crop, and adjust your scan.
  8. Select "Save PDF" to save your scan.
  9. Select "Share" to save the PDF attachment to your phone, email a link, or email to yourself or someone else.
How To Use Adobe Scan Video Tutorial


At this time GCC does not offer any faxing services.

Glendale Community College | 1500 North Verdugo Road, Glendale, California 91208 | Tel: 818.240.1000  
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