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Library Workshops & Credit Courses

This guide will provide information about the library workshops, library credit courses, and other instructional services.

Glendale Community College Library Instruction Program

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The Glendale Community College (GCC) Library is a dynamic and technologically advanced teaching and learning environment. At the GCC Library, the library instruction program prioritizes information competency, or the ability to effectively find, evaluate, use, and communicate information, in all its programming and services as well as the promotion of lifelong learning. The GCC Library Instruction Program includes:

Program Learning Outcomes

The Library's Instruction Program supports the educational mission of Glendale Community College enabling students to achieve knowledge, skills and attitudes for postsecondary education success, personal enrichment, self-development, and a purposeful and meaningful life as a member of a global community.

As experts in knowledge resources, we support research in other disciplines by selecting the most accurate, fair, diverse, relevant, comprehensive and current sources available. We also provide an unrestricted gateway to sources of knowledge throughout the world, and are committed to providing equal access to Library programs and resources for all learners, whatever their level and wherever they are located.

Glendale Community College utilizes the educational Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education from The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) for its program level learning outcomes including:

  1. Students will recognize research as a nonlinear, iterative process of inquiry.  
  2. Students will evaluate sources for credibility, accuracy, relevance, point of view, and authority as a part of the information landscape. 
  3. Students will apply critical thinking to interpret the ethical, legal, socioeconomic, and cultural value of information.

Student Learning Outcomes

Under Program Learning Outcome 1: Students will recognize research as a nonlinear, iterative process of inquiry, students will...

  1. Articulate the needs and scope of research, such as deadlines, source types, citation style, and other project requirements 

  1. Recognize the information cycle as a community conversation that may include primary, secondary, popular, peer-reviewed, and other source types 

  1. Formulate a research question to guide inquiry 

  1. Identify what search tools are most effective for specific types of information (e.g. disciplinary database, discovery tool, or search engine) 

  1. Recognize that search engines and databases present biased results  

  1. Design and use search strategies by brainstorming keywords, refining search terms, and using advanced limiters in different systems 

  1. Recognize research as a process that rewards curiosity, persistence, skepticism, and collaboration  

  1. Contribute to the community conversation by being a critic and creator, acknowledging and respectfully responding to the ideas of others 

  1. Organize and share original content in an effective manner for a specific audience  

Under Program Learning Outcome 2: Students will evaluate sources for credibility, accuracy, relevance, point of view, and authority as a part of the information landscape, students will...

  1. Distinguish between different source types, understanding the characteristics of various publication practices, purposes, audiences, and formats 

  1. Interpret authority in different contexts including by discipline, by profession and within communities of knowledge 

  1. Assess sources for relevance, considering subject terms, abstracts, the context of how information is produced, and other indicators by community or discipline 

  1. Assess sources for credibility, considering indicators such as authority, currency, accuracy, point of view, purpose, evidence and the context of how information is produced  

  1. Recognize that information from a variety of source types may be valuable depending on context and discipline, within various communities of knowledge and modalities of information sharing 

  1. Recognize that critical assessment of information furthers civic engagement in a democratic society 

Under Program Learning Outcome 3: Students will apply critical thinking to interpret the ethical, legal, socioeconomic, and cultural value of information, students will...

  1. Describe the ethical & legal standards underlying the use of information in college, the workplace, and on the Internet 

  1. Use citation and attribution to give credit to the ideas and work of others

  1. Assess the value of sources as commodities with economic, cultural, political, and social facets  

  1. Recognize underlying factors (racial, ethnic, gendered, linguistic, and socioeconomic) that impact inequities in the access to and the creation of information sources 

  1. Recognize patterns of information consumption behavior and habits to avoid information overload 


Developed from Centenary University Instruction Guide

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