The Library provides several services and resources to support students as they complete your course. Here's some helpful syllabus language about the library's resources and services. Feel free to copy and paste directly into your syllabus document or Canvas shell:
Glendale Community College (GCC) Library offers resources and services to support your success in this and every course. Find thousands of books, articles, and other resources through OneSearch and library databases. Get help at the Research Help Desk at any stage of an assignment from developing a topic to citing your sources. The Circulation Desk provides laptops, calculators, and more for free! Reserve a study room for individual or group study. For more information, visit the library's website and chat with a librarian!
Adapted from Fresno State Library
Get help finding, using, and citing sources for this class from Glendale Community College (GCC) Library Research Help Desk. Learn how to develop research questions or topics, use effective search strategies, and evaluate resources in person at the Research Help Desk or online. Connect with a librarian via phone, email, or online chat. You can make a 30-minute research appointment with a librarian at your convenience by request.
Adapted from UC Merced Library
Need help finding books, articles, or understanding research for this class? Get help in a quick and easy, completely FREE 1-hour library workshop online and in person! Topics include using Onesearch to find articles and books, evaluating news sources, and more! Sign up for a workshop today in myGCC. You can see your workshop completion is myGCC as well. For more information on workshops, see the library website.
Completing a FREE library workshops will add XX to your grade in my class. For this class and our assignments, I suggest taking:
Sign up right now using myGCC and complete the workshop before DATE. Directions to sign up are available at the library website. I can check your completion in myGCC so no need to email me when you finish!
Need Some Help Passing This Class?
GCC Library is here to help you ace your assignments with our FREE Library Workshops. Workshops are perfect for anyone enrolled in a class with research, regardless of major or experience level. Sign up today:
Learn skills like:
Understanding what a source is, how to use it, and when to trust it in Recognizing Sources.
Finding credible sources for your research papers in Pro-Tips for Finding Sources and Using Peer-Reviewed Sources.
Creating research questions to complete your assignments in Research Questions.
Using GCC Library to access scholarly articles and ebooks in OneSearch for Books and Articles and Introduction to the Library.
Here's the best part: These workshops are completely FREE and offered online and in person to fit your busy schedule!
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