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Business Administration 162 - Principles of Marketing - Cardona

Business Administration 162 is a principles of Marketing class intended for students of business administration or business owners interested in mastering the art of branding

Review and Understand Your Assignment

The purpose of this stepwise assignment is to provide an opportunity to play the role of marketing manager and gain valuable, first-hand experience in writing, organizing, and polishing a marketing plan.

In this second part, you will focus on customer behavior to develop marketing strategies to meet their needs. This includes:

  • what level of involvement will customer's have with your product like when they need it, why they might buy it, effort to find it, etc.
  • digital marketing and e-marketing strategy

For Personal Consumers

  • what interpersonal (cultural, sociological, and family) factors impact consumer buying for your products and its importance 
  • how do personal determinants (internal, distinctive needs, motives, perceptions, attitudes, learned responses, and self-concepts) affect your marketing decisions and its importance

For Business Consumers

  • what environmental (economic, political, regulatory, competitive, and technological) factors impact consumer buying for your products and its importance 
  • how do organizational, interpersonal, and individual affect the buying center
  • what are the concerns of businesses buying a good or service like yours


Consumer Behavior Resources

Adapted from UC Boulder LibGuide.

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