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Inquiry-Based Learning

Inquiry Based Learning Teaching model. Created for a curriculum and instruction class!


SMILE Consortium: Stanford Mobile Inquiry-Based Learning Environment

The mission of the SMILE (Stanford Mobile Inquiry-based Learning Environment) Consortium is to actively engage students by flipping the current model of lecture-style teaching to more inquiry-based learning.

Students are given smartphones in order to take pictures, video and google information to generate a question to pose to the rest of the class.

Inquiry-Based vs. Traditional-Coverage

Comprehension and Collaboration 2009 by Stephanie Harvey and Harvey Daniels, (Heinemann, Portsmouth, NH)

•   Student voice and choice

•   Questions and concepts

•   Collaborative work

•   Strategic thinking

•   Authentic investigations

•   Student responsibility

•   Student as knowledge creator

•   Interaction and talk

•   Teacher as model and coach

•   Cross-disciplinary studies

•   Multiple resources

•   Multimodal learning

•   Engaging in a discipline

•   Real purpose and audience

•   Caring and taking action

•   Performance and self-assessment

•   Teacher selection and direction

•   Assigned topics and isolated facts

•   Solitary work

•   Memorization

•   As if/surrogate learning

•   Student compliance

•   Student as information receiver

•   Quiet and listening

•   Teacher as expert and presenter

•   One subject at a time

•   Reliance on a textbook

•   Verbal sources only

•   Hearing about a discipline

•   Extrinsic motivators

•   Forgetting and moving to next unit

•   Filling in bubbles and blanks

What is Inquiry-Based Learning?

“The meaning of ‘knowing’ has shifted from being able to remember and repeat information to being able to find and use it.”

                                             - (National Research Council, 2007)

Inquiry-Based Learning is a learning approach based in the idea that when people are presented with a scenario or problem and assisted by a facilitator, they will develop their own questions and research issues to find solutions.

Inquiry-based learning includes Problem-Based Learning (PBL), and can be used in small scale investigations and projects, as well as research, but it also emphasizes contextual and experiential approaches to learning, where knowledge is built from a student's experience as well as learning in a real-life context.

Inquiry-Based learning covers a range of approaches, including:

   •     Problem-based learning

   •     Field-work

   •     Case studies

   •     Investigations

   •     Individual and group projects

   •     Research activity

Learning processes engaged during Inquiry-Based learning include:

   •    Creating questions

   •    Obtaining supporting evidence to answer question(s)

   •    Explaining evidence collected

   •    Connecting explanation to knowledge obtained from investigation

   •    Creating an argument and justification for the explanation

Inquiry-Based Teaching Strategy

Inquiry-Based Learning Resources: Web Links

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