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Business Administration 166 - Advertising - Cardona

This guide will support BUSAD 166 with Prof. Rafael Cardona including resources for completing assignments and learning about advertising concepts.

Checklist for your Creative Brief

Check your assignment in Canvas for final requirements. Also consider the following:

  1. Does your Creative Brief show where the marketer has an opportunity to resolve a marketing problem (example – client wants to increase market share, or increase revenue or include a new segment of the market, or penetrate a new market, etc.)?
  2. Does the target statement create a clear picture of your target demographic?
  3. Does your proposed creative execution (tv ad, radio ad, online ad, print ad, outdoor ad, etc.) allow for clear communication objectives; in other words, does the ad seem like it will elicit a change in the behavior of the current/future customer?
  4. Have you shared significant statistics to back up your proposed objective in the Creative Brief (include real data facts based on your research)?
  5. Does your Creative Brief include logos, charts, bar graphs, color, or any other visually appealing elements that make your creation enticing?

Resources for Checking Your Creative Brief


  • There are no spelling errors or typos. 
  • Acronyms are spelled out the first time for explanation. E.G. Word of Mouth (WOM).

Grammar and Punctuation

  • There are no errors in subject/verb or pronoun/antecedent agreement. E.G. They are, People like, Customers prefer, etc.
  • Abbreviations and apostrophes are used correctly and consistently; if contractions are used (as in “it’s” for “it is”), they are appropriate to the style.
  • All sentences are complete; if a fragment is used, it is used for rhetorical effect.
  • The punctuation is consistent and correct.

Text from ATM Writing Center.

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