PrepSTEP: Career Preparation CenterProvides practice tests for the TEAS and NCLEX-RN exams. To access the TEAS and NCLEX-RN exam prep:
1) Scroll down on the Career Preparation center landing page to the heading "Prepare for Nursing Exams" and click on it.
2) You will see the list of practice tests and other available test prep tools. Click on the test prep tool you want to use.
3) Click the button that reads "Sign In or Register to Begin."
4) Sign in or register, and get started prepping!
You will sign in to Learning Express each time you want to use a practice exam. The database will keep track of the tests you have completed.
Includes immediate scoring, complete answer explanations, and analysis of results. Students must register and set up their own accounts to use. It tracks tests for each student account.