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Chaparral 2024-2025: Collaborations for Change with Senate President Cameron Hastings and Executive Team

This is the Chaparral, Glendale Community College's campus newsletter for the academic year 2024 to 2025.

Collaborations for Change with Senate President Cameron Hastings and Executive Team

Chaparral, Senate President Cameron Hastings, and the Senate Executive Team discusses dealing with emerging challenges this year, new roles, and creating meaningful impact in 10+1.

Chaparral: What is the biggest change you have made in your position?

Cameron Hastings, Academic Senate President: I am really enjoying this job.  Only two more years (kidding). One week, our agenda looks pretty sparce and then by the time our next meeting arrives, it is full.  I never know what is coming to us to be discussed and, when necessary, resolved.  My goal, as always, is to get more faculty involved.

A lot of Senate work does have to do with change.  Sometimes that change is mandated and we have no choice but other times it is organic in response to an identified problem or improvement.  We have a lot of changes ahead: common course numbering, Title 5 degree requirements, the emergence of AI, new faces replacing retiring colleagues etc.  The list goes on and so we have determine how we best navigate these changes as a campus community.  I would encourage faculty to provide as much feedback as possible because we need to hear from you!  

Hazel Ramos, 1st Vice President: My experience as Senate Secretary last year was initially intimidating. Since then, I feel like I’ve found my inner Senator and have come to appreciate the collaborative nature of our meetings. I now feel more confident about being part of the Senate, and I’m excited to learn more about the Senate’s role in the college's governance process.

I welcome change, as it gives us new opportunities for growth. I try to remind myself of this when there are shifts in our work environment.

Cindy Haiduk Pollack, Senate 2nd Vice President: I’m excited to collaborate with both new faculty members and new Senators this semester. As part of my role on the Senate Executive Commitee, I oversee the task forces that are formed during Senate meetings. It is wonderful to see so many new individuals excited about participating and wanting to make a meaningful impact on both academic and professional matters.

Change can definitely be nerve-wracking, but as we often remind our students, it's through change that we grow. One of the things I’ve always appreciated about GCC is its rich traditions. I believe we can still honor those traditions while also finding time to PLAY (see what I did there?).

Alexandra Christy, Senate Budget Representative: I'm looking forward to wearing a wig and selecting great faculty projects for Senate Innovation Grant (SIG) funding! As Academic Senate Budget Rep, I've learned that change is constant, especially with budgets.  There are many factors that we can't control, but I've observed that bringing transparency to the process is key to managing threats and seizing opportunities.

Sangita Dube, Senate Secretary: I am excited to be the Secretary for Senate this year because I get to see be part of the discussion in a larger scope as it relates to the 10+1. I think it’s important for faculty to understand the requirements and be part of the changes that GCC want to implement related to classroom practices.

In any circumstance, change can be seen as an opportunity for growth. I’ve always believed that it’s about how to you look at things. For me, life has presented many many “opportunities for change” and I’ve always tried to see them as a time for me to grow. Change isn’t always for the best, but in Senate our job is to review, understand and provide recommendations on what changes will benefit faculty and students, so these are opportunities for growth.

Jason Marshall, Senate Treasurer: As Senate Treasurer, I'm excited to oversee the process of implementing our newly revised Academic Senate scholarship criteria to better support and recognize our deserving students.

The Senate is working to support everyone as we embrace the exciting advancements in technology and AI, turning potential anxieties into opportunities for growth together.


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