Donations to Library Endowment Funds provide long-term support for the library’s programs and services. You may add to or create an endowed fund that keeps the principal intake and uses only the income. The library has several endowed funds to which you can contribute; or we can establish a new endowed fund for a minimum of $5000 in your name or the name of someone you wish to memorialize. To assist first time college donors, the Foundation will provide $2500 of the required $5000.
Established endowments include: Library, Jeanne Cunningham Women’s Resource Center and the GCCCollege Archives.
Gifts in memory or in honor of a friend or loved one are welcomed. Contributions will be used to purchase library materials. The Library staff will carefully select materials and a commemorative bookplate will be placed in each item. A special library note card will be send to the family or honoree to acknowledge the gift.
Gifts of money, securities or other property can be made for future or present use. These gifts can include insurance policies, real estate, charitable trusts and bequests. Please contact the Dean of Library and Learning Resources or the Glendale College Foundation, Inc. for more information on these gifts.
Many employers will match employees’ gifts to the Library. If your company is eligible, request a matching gift form from your employer, and send it completed and signed with your gift. The impact of your gift may be doubled or possibly tripled! Some companies match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses.
The Glendale Community College Library will accept gifts of books, relevant journals and other appropriate materials. All gifts will be evaluated by the same standards as purchased materials. Because of space limitations and processing costs, we do not add all gifts to the collection. Duplicate titles and textbooks, especially those more than 2-3 years old, are not added. We consider other factors such as condition, age, or subject. When a gift is not added to the collection, we include it in our library book sale, which generates a small amount of money in support of the library. We always send a letter to donors acknowledging the gifts and the number of items donated. However, because of limited staff time, the Library cannot provide an itemized list of contributions. The appraisal of gifts to the library is the responsibility of the donor. The library will not be responsible for providing a monetary valuation statement to the donor for tax or other purposes, but will acknowledge receiving the gift.
We encourage local authors and Glendale Community College faculty to donate copies of their books. These books will receive bookplates identifying them as a special donation from the author.
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