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Finding Newspapers

Finding news articles online and in print from the GCC Library

Newspaper Databases

When you access newspaper articles through GCC Library databases, you won't be prompted to subscribe and pay for access as you would on news websites.

The GCC Library provides access to these newspaper databases:

Searching for Newspapers by Title

The GCC Library has online access to many newspapers. To see if the library has online access to a specific newspaper, start in OneSearch. Find the Journal search and type in the title of the newspaper, for example The Los Angeles Times.

Once you find the newspaper, look under View Online for the link. If there are multiple links, this means the library has access to the newspaper in multiple databases. Make sure to select the link that corresponds to the date range you are searching for.

Screenshot of the record for the LA Times in OneSearch


Once you are inside the database, you have these options:

Screenshot of LA Times in ProQuest

1. Search with the entire publication. Enter a keyword search, or click on Advanced Search for more search options.

2. Adjust the year, month, and/or date to browse issues.

3. Search within a particular issue of the newspaper (in the example above, in the March 30,2023 issue).

4. Click on the title of the article to read it (the "full-text").

5. Cite the article, email it, or save it.

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