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ENGL 102 - Stewart - Spring 2024

This guide support Prof. Jessica Stewart's ENGL 102 research essay assignment using literary theory.

What is Literary Criticism?

What is Literary Criticism?

  • Literary criticism usually refers to analysis of a particular work or works: studies of individual authors, genres, literary movements, and the like....A work of literary theory might use literary texts as examples or illustrations that serve to develop a larger theoretical point, while a literary critic might use a theoretical perspective as a means of better understanding a literary text. From: Stevens, Anne H. Literary Theory and Criticism: An Introduction. Second edition., Broadview Press, 2021.

  • "Literary criticism” refers to the act of interpreting and studying literature. A literary critic is someone who argues on behalf of an interpretation or understanding of the particular meaning(s) of literary texts. The task of a literary critic is to explain and attempt to reach a critical understanding of what literary texts mean in terms of their aesthetic, as well as social, political, and cultural statements and suggestions. From Saylor Foundation - An Introduction to Literary Criticism and Theory.

Definitions Adapted From Univ.of WI Research Guide, TX Weslyan Univ. LibGuide.

Searching for Literary Criticism Sources

Steps to Search for Literary Criticism Sources

STEP 1: Do effective searching using:

  • Novel Title or Theory as Keywords with AND and OR. Use the title of your novel (or the literary theory) AND literary criticism. Other phrases to use include "criticism", "literary criticism", "analysis", "literary analysis", etc.keywords shakespeare capitalized AND literary criticism in Onesearch box
  • Search your author's name as a Subject in the database. Look for subjects like criticism and interpretation

STEP 2: Found an interesting source? Don't read it all. Skim read a book or article for keywords, novel titles, theories, or themes

  1. For articles: Look at the title, abstract/summary, introduction or conclusion.
  2. For books: Look at the title, subjects, or table of contents.

STEP 3: Check out footnotes, references, and citations used in a source you like. This is called citation chasing and will lead you to other great sources!

Adapted from CU LibGuide, Purdue Literature website.

Library Databases for Literary Criticism

Gale Literature includes literary criticism, biographies, primary sources, reference books, periodicals, and multimedia sources.

You will not be likely to find criticism about the novels selected for this assignment (with a few exceptions). Instead, focus on finding an article about the literary theory you would like to apply to the novel you have selected.

1. Enter one or multiple keywords related to your chosen research topic. Use the Operators (AND, OR) and special characters (wildcard/truncation, quotation marks) as search tips.

Screenshot of Gale Literature showing a search for black women AND horror AND devil; instructions: "Enter one or multiple keywords related to your chosen research topic" and "Use these Search Tips to construct your search (as needed) "

2.Limit to peer-reviewed journals and publication date based on the date your novel. 

Screenshot of Search Limiters in Gale Literature; includes instructions: "Limit to:  Peer-Reviewed Journals and publication date within the past ten years"

JSTOR contains back files of academic journal articles in full text (does not include the last 3-5 most recent years.)

1.In JSTOR Advanced Search, experiment with field selection in the drop down menu. Enter a different concept or keyword in each search box.

2. Once you find a source you like, Download PDF to view full text.

ProQuest's Literature Databases feature hundreds of titles covering Art, Architecture, Design, History, Philosophy, Music, Literature, Theatre and Cultural Studies. Make sure to select peer reviewed scholarly journals, and note that book reviews are NOT appropriate sources to use for this assignment.

1. In Advanced Search, enter keywords and select "Anywhere except full text" from the drop down menu for the most relevant menu.

PQ Literature Advanced Search

2. Select "peer-reviewed" or "Scholarly journals" from the Limit to options to get credible, scholarly sources from the results.



Salem Literature contains fulltext of the Critical Insights series, including literary criticism. Use the Advanced Search to look for theories, well known authors and texts, and similar terms.

Salem Literature Search Screen

Step 1: Open OneSearch link. Select Advanced Search.

onesearch advanced search option

Step 2: Add your author, novel title, or theory as a keyword. For the next keywords, Select "Subject" in the "any field" option and choose a subject heading term like "Literature -- History and criticism".

use Literature -- History and criticism as subject heading to search

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