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ENGL 117 -- FILM AS LITERATURE -- Kayzakian

Search tips

- Only input one main concept per search line or search box
Use the Advanced Search option, and type one main concept in each search box, like you see in these two examples...

- Change the search terms

The search engine or database will look for *exactly* the term you type in. So try a different term to see different results. On the first search, try the title of the film you chose, for instance: "Parasite". On a second search, try the director of that film, "Bong Joon Ho". On a third search, try other terms associated with his films, like "South Korean cinema", or "black humor". See what results are the best for you!

- Too many results? Add another focusing search term, joined to the other search boxes with "AND"

Look at the difference between this search...

...and this one...

- Not enough results? Change the search terms, or try them with "OR"

Like in this example...

- Can't find anything after 30 minutes of searching? Then...

  1. Try each of the steps listed above in purple. If that doesn't work...
  2. Close the database, open a different database, and see what you can find there. If you search for 20-30 minutes and find nothing in the second database, then...
  3. Contact a librarian to ask for help!


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