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Using Info Ethically

Using Information Ethically

1. Video: Academic Integrity

2. What does it mean to use information ethically?

3. Ethics scenarios
Consider these scenarios.
Which show ethical use of information, and which show plagiarism?
          - Scenario A
          - Scenario B
          - Scenario C

Sample Outline


  1. “But recent scientific evidence suggests that such attempts at social control are misguided.” (Tangney 2)
  2. “Such humiliation is typically accompanied by a sense of shrinking, of being small, worthless, and powerless, and by a sense of being exposed.” (Tangney 2)
  3. "Because shame is so intolerable, people in the midst of the experience often resort to any one of a number of defensive tactics. … Shame serves to escalate the very destructive patterns of behavior we aim to curb.” (Tangney 2)


Quoting out of context is another unethical way to use information, along with paraphrasing poorly and omitting citations. Words that have been quoted out of context are words that appear "without the surrounding text, so giving a misleading meaning" (Collin). Quoting out of context can also be called "quote mining" or "contextomy."

If the right words are taken away, a quotation can even turn into having the opposite meaning from what the quoted author originally wrote! This article gives examples of movie studios quote mining positive words from negative or neutral movie reviews. The movie studios then put the misleading quotations in their ads and made it seem that the reviewers recommended the movies:

Broydo, Leora. “(Not Such a) 'Thriller!’” Mother Jones, vol. 22, no. 6, Nov. 1997, p. 17. .


"quoted out of context." Dictionary of Publishing and Printing, edited by P. H. Collin, A&C Black, 3rd edition, 2006. Credo Reference, Accessed 28 Apr. 2020.

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