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Michael Dulay

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Successful Students...

...realize the value of education and take an active role in acquiring it. More importantly, they seek education, and they practice what they've learned. They constantly apply their knowledge in life- not only by reading and writing, but also in conversation and thought.

...never miss class. They understand that their instructor is a scholar of the subject they are taking, and that each of their peers may know something that could contribute to their learning.  This inevitably leads to an awareness that each day is an opportunity for them to enrich their lives. They know that this is not just the instructor's responsibility; they accept their role as a catalyst in the learning process. They ask questions and share ideas.

...prepare for class. They take time to review their notes and/or reading immediately before class. This gets the mind in gear to learn the subject. It also helps develop any questions they may have that are not clear. (Remember that a question asked well, is a question a half-answered)  Once their questions are developed, they write them down at the beginning of their notes for the current day and ASK them!

...take meaningful notes.   They find a style of note taking that best suits the needs of the class.  Successful students review, rewrite, and/or compile their notes within and across subjects.  This allows them to review and organize the material learned. 

...set and clarify goals. They decide on long- and short- term goals that reflect their values.  When will they finish the first draft of the paper or project? With what G.P.A. do they expect to finish the semester?  What kind of career are they working toward?  Where will they be in two, five, or ten years?  
They establish goals that are realistic, and they find goals that reflect their responsibilities and roles.

...manage time.  Each day has a plan that reflects their goals and principles. This plan frees them from confusion throughout the day- confusion caused by unexpected opportunities and/or demands. Their plan doesn't take over their life, instead it gives them something to view as a guide for the day, especially in moments of indecision. throughout the semester.   They set aside 2 hours per week per unit of instruction for studying outside the classroom. In other words, if they are taking 12 units, they study 24 hours per week outside of class. This saves them the time, energy, and hassle caused by procrastination.

...communicate with instructors. They are aware that instructors are human beings with a tremendous wealth of experience.  Successful students talk with them during their office hours, or before/after class.  They use this time to clarify thoughts about the subject or the course, or to reconsider or reaffirm their perspective.

...become aware of the many resources available at the college.  They learn how to fully utilize the library, writing center, health center, tutoring center, transfer center, counseling center, job placement,....

...take exams neatly and efficiently. Bluebooks and scantrons that are wrinkle-free, and essays that are free of scribble are easier to grade.   Knowing this, they carry necessary exam materials in their notebooks, along with a couple of pencils (or extra lead), an eraser that works well, and an erasable pen. a balanced life.  They realize that where there is work, there should be play and rest. In order to make the most of their classroom time, they give themselves some time outside the classroom. In short, they take care of the mind, body, and soul.

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