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Chaparral 2023-2024: Senate President Cameron Hastings

This is the Chaparral, Glendale Community College's campus newsletter for the academic year 2023 to 2024.

Senate President Cameron Hastings

I hope everyone had a great academic year! The Senate had a productive year that provided many opportunities to work on issues that will hopefully improve the educational experience of our students and the work we do as faculty. I want to acknowledge all of the hard work our faculty have done within the Senate world:

Senators! These faculty volunteers spend their Thursday afternoons working through the different issues that come to us. Sometimes it’s to solve a problem or improve a process, while at other times it is to set goals for the college or approve changes that are required of us. They care about the institution and do a great job of representing faculty perspectives. I thank them all for their service and for keeping me on my toes.

The Senate Executive Committee: Past President Roger Dickes is tremendously helpful as I learn the ropes of the job. He has been a soundboard and a course-corrector for me this entire year.  First Vice-President Mike Davis has done an excellent job of keeping us up to date with the Disciplines List and dealing with the equivalencies process for faculty.  His institutional knowledge is tremendous, helping us work through many thorny issues to make better informed decisions.  Second Vice-President Cindy Pollack is one of the hardest working faculty members at the college. She provides great advice and knowledge of many areas of the institution. Hazel Ramos, our new secretary, is learning how to best summarize a group of faculty that love to talk through an issue!  She has a long history at the college, and it has been great having her join the Senate and our executive committee to contribute her perspective and expertise. The Senate budget has been in good hands with Jason Marshall as our treasurer.  Like Alex Christy, our budget representative, the two of them were thrown into joining our executive committee last year but both provide a much-needed fresh perspective to ensure we aren’t relying too much on past practice when there might be a better way to do something. I cannot ask for a better group of people to work with! Any successes I experience are because these faculty do a great job of fulfilling their duties, and providing me with guidance and honest feedback.

thank you

Our Senate Subcommittees are led by some of the most dedicated faculty on our campus.  Each member puts their heart into their committee work to ensure that what comes out is top-notch, and in the best interest of students and faculty.  If you see these faculty, say thank you for making sure we are in compliance with everything the state mandates and for ensuring our faculty voice is always maximized.

  • Open Education Resources (OER): Caroline Hallam
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA): Sangita Dube and Maite Peterson 
  • Learning Outcomes and Assessments: Yvette Ybarra
  • Curriculum & Instruction: Francien Rohrbacher
  • Committee on Distance Education (CoDE): Piper Rooney

I would like to give a special thank you to Piper Rooney for all of her hard work in the Senate for the past fifteen years.  As a senator, past president, and as our Distance Education Coordinator, she worked tirelessly on behalf of students in these capacities. Her sharp wit will be missed but I know her hard work will continue outside of the Senate.

Lastly, I would like to thank Frankie Strong for all of her help in keeping the Senate ship afloat.  Whether it’s coordinating the various events we have, making sure our shared governance is running smoothly, or just reminding me to do something, her hard work and dedication makes a huge difference. I appreciate all she does for us.


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