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Chaparral 2023-2024: Part-time Faculty Updates with Juli Wolfgram

This is the Chaparral, Glendale Community College's campus newsletter for the academic year 2023 to 2024.

Juli wolfgram with round glasses and dark hair

As we "Spring Back Into GCC", Chaparral checked in with 2nd Vice President and Part-faculty Juli Wolfgram about upcoming events, news, and issues to be aware of:

Chaparral: What are some updates or news from Fall and Winter that you would like to share?

Juli: One of the most exciting updates deals with the movement to One Faculty (also known as One Tier Faculty or Unified Faculty). For decades, community colleges have failed to achieve the 75/25 goal of full-time/part-time faculty. The reality is more the inverse, most all higher education institutions have the ratio of 75% part time faculty to 25% full time faculty. This perpetuates a gross inequality for the majority of faculty on any given campus. The inequalities are not limited to salary and job security, but also access to health care, to paid professional development, and to academic freedom. In many cases, the inequalities are directly proportional to inequities for student learning, such as access to office hours or freedom of speech in the classroom. Academic freedom is severely limited when 75% of instructors are not tenured. 

Community colleges throughout California have struggled to achieve equity in individual areas, such as paid office hours, paid professional development, etc. And, there have recently been great successes, such as the ongoing $200 million dedicated to part time faculty healthcare. However, as a result of a CFT resolution, a task force was formed to explore the possibility of a systemic change to higher education in California. I feel very privileged to be part of this task force. Using the success at Vancouver Community College as a model, the task force has met regularly for one year to explore the implications of getting rid of a two tier faculty system and to suss out potential roadblocks toward a One-Tier faculty.

The task force has formulated some foundational goals. These goals were recently presented at the AFT Conference on Higher Education in February and at the CFT March Summit last week. FACCC and HELU are also creating position papers on the One Faculty movement. Keep an eye out for updates!
Chaparral: What work, areas, issues, or events are you focused on for Spring? 

JuliAs we move into the spring term, I will continue to work toward resolving problems that plague part time faculty, including EDD denial of benefits, incorrect salary schedule placement, and the complexity of retirement in CalSTRS. Each case is rather unique, and with each case, I learn something new. In order to help more faculty in general, I have arranged for presentations addressing UI Benefits, CalSTRS retirement, and how to read our paychecks. I plan to share my experiences and new learning in dealing with UI Benefits applications with a workshop this spring, tentatively scheduled for June 7, from 3-5 pm.
Chaparral: What is one thing you want Guild members to look out for this Spring? It can be an issue to check in about, an event, or something they should do to support.

JuliI will be running for the position of 2nd VP for Part Time Faculty once again. It has been a privilege representing part time faculty Guild members for the past four years, however I feel like I am only now really able to serve in a capacity that truly moves the needle toward equity for all faculty. I would be honored if you consider keeping me in the 2nd VP position.
Save the Dates! I will be preempting the May Adjunct Lounge for the Part Time Faculty Guild information meeting, and I will be preempting the June Adjunct Lounge meeting for my presentation on the UI Benefits application process. 
As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at any time! I cannot help you if I am not aware of the work issues that prevent you from being the best you can be, that prevent you from helping our students continue to be among the finest in California! Contact me at 

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