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Chaparral 2023-2024: Becoming Visible with Senate President Cameron Hastings

This is the Chaparral, Glendale Community College's campus newsletter for the academic year 2023 to 2024.


becoming visible with senate president cameron hastings

In this issue, we asked Senate President Cameron Hastings to take a look back at what she has accomplished in Senate (a very very recent role) and what we can look forward to in the coming years. Here's what she said:

Chaparral: In your current role, what is one past success or achievement you have as Senate President?

Cameron: It is pretty early in my time as president so I don’t really have any successes or achievements that I can point to so far.  

Chaparral: What are you really proud of? This can be things that are in progress, may not be fully realized but that have had impact.

Cameron: One thing I am proud of is our Senate Innovation Grants.  These grants have funded a wide variety of faculty projects that reflect some aspect of the Senate’s 10+1 jurisdiction.  These grants, which are supported by the GCC Foundation, have funded many valuable undertakings by faculty.  We have been able to fund student participation in professional conferences, multiple speakers series, and a student research symposium, as well as purchase musical instruments and art busts that contribute to the improved diversity of the programs they are used for. We have been able to support projects for many different student populations ranging from our DSPS program to our adult re-entry students to incarcerated high school students.  

Each year we get a sizable number of great proposals from faculty.  The downside is we can only fund a handful of the projects annually but seeing all of the creative ideas that faculty have is inspirational, and a reminder of how innovative and committed to student learning our faculty are.  

Chaparral: Building on your progress and success, what is your vision for the future in your role as Senate President?

Cameron: One thing that the grants have allowed us to do is make the Senate a bit more visible beyond just monthly meetings and passing motions.  It has allowed us to proactively fund projects that advance the interests of faculty as they relate to the Senate mission.  One thing I hope this increased visibility does is generate interest by faculty in what the Senate does, and perhaps, interest in joining us as a Senator or as a member of a subcommittee in the future.  I think our Senate is stronger when more faculty participate so I will continue to do whatever I can to increase faculty participation.


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