Meet Ghoulish the Ghost, our friendly campus specter. They need help traveling through campus to the location of hidden spooky treats.
Follow the footprints from one campus location to another, noting bolded and underlined letters within building names (i.e. our parking lot labeled “Parking Lot”, with the “P” underlined and bolded).
Once you’ve made note of each bolded and underlined letter, these will form a scrambled word that will identify an on-campus location. Simply un-scramble the word to discover where we’ve hidden a bag of spooky treats.
The first one to un-scramble, discover, and head over to the secret location will be gifted a bag of spooky treats!
Your Verdugo Spooky Word Map
Verdugo Locations: Parking Lot and LibrAry and AdmInistration and San RAfael and Sartoris FielD
What Verdugo location holds your prize? Think of what campus acronyms may have these letters.
Garfield Locations: Child DevelopmeNt Center and SomersEt and TropiCo and MaripoSa and Parking Lot
What Garfield location holds your prize? Think of what campus acronyms may have these letters.
Glendale Community College | 1500 North Verdugo Road, Glendale, California 91208 | Tel: 818.240.1000
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