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Chaparral 2022-2023: 31.1 Adjunct Junction

Adjunct Junction

by Juli Wolfgram
2nd Vice President, Glendale College Guild

Hello, Part-Time Faculty!

For me, the semester began with a bang, and I haven’t stopped running yet! Someone should have warned me that the last summer session grading would overlap with the fall session prep!

I am back in the classroom at one campus, while teaching remotely and online at two campuses. My biggest headache is keeping track of the different modalities and trying to remember Face-to-Face logistics. In terms of enrollment, my full classes are the 100% online and the F2F courses. I mention this because I know that many Part-Time faculty across the state, including me, have lost assignments due to the downturn in enrollment. It certainly seems that students want choice of course delivery, but my experience does not point to any one modality as the reason for the lack of enrollment.

blue maskWell, so what do you think? Are you back in the classroom? Do you have concerns about being back F2F? Many of you know that I am immunocompromised. I must wear a mask all the time, even when delivering lectures. As mask mandates are falling across the state, I do let my students know of my reason for my masking, and I have found that most of them politely wear their masks as well. So far, I have been lucky to be assigned a large classroom where social distancing can still be practiced. The reality is that Covid-19 is still around, and it is now the third leading cause of death in the United States according to the CDC.

That said, I do have good news! The trailer bill outlining the use of the $200 million budget allocated for Part-Time Faculty healthcare has been finalized. Thanks to all your letter writing, we can begin working toward securing this funding for Part-Time faculty healthcare costs at GCC.

Hand-in-hand with this statewide campaign is a movement to increase the workload cap for Part-Time faculty. You may wonder, if assignments are being cut, why increase the workload cap to 85%? One reason among many is that the 67% cap prevents many Part-Time faculty from teaching more than one lab/lecture class at a single district! The bill is on the governor’s desk. Please urge Governor Newsom to sign the CFT-sponsored, FACCC co-sponsored bill, AB 1856, TODAY! It’s only a couple of clicks!

In conjunction with the Part-Time faculty healthcare campaign, I’d like to remind you that the Guild has worked hard to secure healthcare benefits for our Part-Time faculty. Not only has John Fuhrman created a link to the different health insurance plans at GCC, but Gevork Msryan also went over these plans in a special workshop on Friday, September 23.

Know Your Rights!

Over the years, the Guild has worked hard to secure Part-Time faculty rights! Please familiarize yourself with your rights at GCC by reviewing the CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement). Don’t miss my periodic email messages about your rights at GCC.

What’s ahead?

Be on the lookout for activities surrounding Campus Equity Week, October 24-28.. Yes, there will be more on coordinated collective bargaining for Part-Time Faculty Healthcare, but I would also like to have presentations on the changes in Retirement and Unemployment Benefits. The Adjunct Lounge will again sponsor our regular once-a-semester Part-Time Faculty Guild informational meeting, most likely in November.

As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to me regarding any work related issues you may have. We are a team and Guild Exec is here for all our members!

Stay safe, and have a great semester!


CFT Part-Time Faculty Committee
2nd Vice President
Glendale College Guild AFT#2276
1500 North Verdugo Road Glendale, CA 91208

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