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Chaparral 2022-2023: 31.3 Governance Tidbits

Governance Tidbits

by Frankie Strong
Governance Office Coordinator

5 Mythical Creatures

Myths of Governance

Do you know that if a professor is fifteen minutes late to class that students can just leave? Is this true? Or is it an urban legend? What about the ‘fact’ that the L.A. river is a navigable waterway?

Hmmm, some things to ponder. Maybe you have a story of an urban legend or mythical ‘fact’ about where you live or about life in general?

Well, I’m here to help dispel the myths of governance practices of GCC.


Myth or Fact?


Members of a committee who were absent from the previous meeting must abstain from voting to approve minutes.

Actually not true, members are given meeting materials ahead of time to review, so yes, if you were absent from the previous meeting you can approve the minutes.


When a motion does not receive a majority of yes, it fails.

Yes, that is correct, the motion fails and is recorded in the minutes as MSF (motion, seconded, failed); a brief rationale should also be noted in the minutes.


Tabling a motion does require a second, a vote, a majority.

Yes, tabled motions are recorded as MST (motion, seconded, tabled) with a brief rationale, and more importantly a date or plan of when the motion will return to the committee for discussion then action.


When a motion is passed it is automatically put in place. (With furrowed brow, I say…) How is that true?

The key next steps include: Communication about the motion, and how it will be implemented, or how it affects employees, is undertaken by the leadership of GCC with constituent leadership input.


I’m a voting member but I didn’t assign a proxy – this is no big deal.

Actually, an absent voting member affects quorum. If a committee doesn’t meet quorum, then no action can be taken. It is very important to find a proxy.


I’m not a member, therefore I am not allowed to attend a meeting.

Not true, governance committee meetings are open meetings. If available, the meeting agenda is can be found on the Scheduled Meetings page, or contact the chair or your constituent representative for meeting information.


If you are taking leave, going on sabbatical, or will not be able to attend for a chunk of time, assigning a proxy still applies.

Yes, true. Other options include reaching out to the governance office or constituent leadership to inform them of the situation. Last resort is stepping down from the committee, although a vacant seat is better than an absent seat. What do I mean? Read on.


A vacant voting seat is not counted towards meeting quorum.

True! So in a way a vacant seat is better than an absent voting member.


Quorum, s’morum. That’s not really that important, right?

Nope this is not a warm marshmallow treat. To conduct business a committee must meet quorum, that is fifty percent of the voting membership plus 1 more.


It is a mystery as to what happens at governance committees. I just go on about my days believing that the work is being done and that everything is peachy keen (T.A.W.)

OK, that’s one way to look at things. Actually, the ‘happenings’ of governance committees is reported and available each month. It comes to you as the monthly Governance Update; posted on the governance webpage. Minutes are also available in SharePoint. Here is the path: go to SharePoint-Committees-Governance.

We all enjoy a bit of mystery, and myths are intriguing, I hope that some myths about GCC governance were dispelled. Thank you for taking the time to journey through this information.

If you need, your friendly neighborhood governance person can be reached by

Stay well. Many thanks!

Frankie Strong,
Governance Office

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