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Chaparral 2020-2021: 29.1 Governance TidBits

Governance Tidbits

by Frankie Strong
Governance Office Coordinator


Hello, Governance Enthusiasts! (say that five times fast)

First order of business: I would like to give recognition to everyone who has participated in governance – Thank you for representing your constituent group. We appreciate your time commitment and contributions. GCC is the premier college of choice in part from your efforts. Thank you.

We are well into another great academic year during which we work together to accomplish many things. Although this year has been full of twists and firsts, we persevere and keep the spirit of remaining united.

On the governance side of the house we meet, we discuss, we take action. As governance committees convene, let us keep in mind some good practices to help our decision-making remain on track.

Keep Information Flowing and Current

ATTENTION - New Stuff to Know:

  • We need to hear about what activities governance committees have been up to.
  • How to accomplish this? Email a “monthly report” to the standing committee and the governance office even if the committee has not met. We need to hear from committees monthly.
  • Include the following information:
    1. The last meeting date
    2. Rationale for why a committee has not met – could be because of the meeting schedule (meets as needed; meets once per semester; did not meet quorum)
    3. If the committee has met – then only the regular minutes and motions report need be submitted.
    4. It is important to include the date of the next meeting in the minutes (if a committee has met) or in the monthly report.
  • If you need help please contact the Governance Office <>


  • Subcommittees should forward their minutes and motions to the appropriate standing committee no more than 2 weeks after meeting.
  • Monthly committee actions are available online within the “Governance Update” – including notes on those committees which did not meet.
  • Un-adopted or adopted minutes should be available online within four weeks of the previous meeting (no more than one month after a committee meets). In other words, minutes or notes should be submitted monthly to the governance office.

Communicate with the Mothership, err, with Leadership

Constituent Representatives (namely Faculty and Classified) be sure to communicate with your leadership (Academic Senate, CSEA or the Guild) by providing a brief summary after each governance committee meeting. There are two options for submitting a report.

Option 1: Use the Committee Report that is available on the main Governance webpage and in SharePoint:

You may need to login to gain access; use your email login
Select from the left navigation menu – either the “Committee report for faculty” or “Committee report for classified”

Option 2: You can email the constituent leaders directly. Include a brief summary and attach the meeting agenda, email by using the appropriate list serve. For the Academic Senate; for CSEA; for the Guild>

Things to look out for:

All members, voting and nonvoting

1. Familiarize themselves with the mission of the committee as indicated on the Blue List and GCC's mission statement.
2. Regularly attend meetings; a member may recruit a proxy in the event of absence.
3. Know who appointed you and know when your term ends (Blue List).
4. Consult with their appointing agency (Guild, Senate, and CSEA executives, ASGCC cabinet, Administration) for general guidance and for specific concerns about policy proposals.
5. In the event of a disagreement about governance procedures, consult Administrative Regulation 2511: the Governance Document, or contact the Governance Review Committee.

Chairpersons of the committee:

1. Verify that membership matches the Blue List.
2. Forward the agenda to the committee three working days before the meeting; include the student government through email (; a hard copy may be placed in the ASGCC mailbox.
3. Verify that the committee has a quorum (50% of the voting membership plus 1) before action is taken; discussion may take place in the absence of a quorum but no actions or motions can be taken without a quorum.
4. Verify that only voting members vote – “Resource” members do not have a vote.
5. Forward a “Motions Report” along with appropriate minutes to the Governance office. A schedule for reporting motions and minutes is forwarded to chairs and minutes recorders each month.
6. Follow up on actions and decisions taken at the meeting.


Governance is a process involving students, classified staff, confidential employees/managers, faculty, and administrators in deliberations regarding day-to-day and long-range planning and policies for the college. Successful governance creates an environment of awareness on campus. With your participation, we can continue to foster an environment of mutuality and trust while remaining committed to student success.

(references: Administrative Regulation 2511: Governance Document ‘Communication & Operations’ section, Governance Best Practices)

For more information visit the Governance webpage in SharePoint or contact the Governance office or email Frankie Strong

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