Hello, Part-Timers!
I’m Juli Wolfgram and I am delighted to serve as your 2nd Vice President on the Guild Executive board at GCC! I have always been an advocate for Part Time faculty rights, and you have probably heard me speak out for these rights at some point in the past. I am a Freeway Flyer, regularly teaching at three or four different campuses each term. Due to COVID, I am now navigating the different rules and requirements for teaching remotely using at least three different Learning Management Systems. I understand what Part Timers are going through in this difficult age of COVID.
For this reason, I will be posting a series of “Part-Timers, Know Your Rights!” via email and in Chaparral. This month’s issue will revisit an announcement I made before the fall term began, along with some other news that may affect you and your ability to help our students learn. I strongly urge each and every one of you to go over our Guild Bargaining Agreement. See https://www.glendale.edu/about-gcc/employment/benefits-policies-handbooks.
Technology Needs.
You may request them directly from IT. Here is the process outlined by Calvin Madlock, Chief Information Systems Officer:
- Identify specific technology/equipment need
- Submit help desk ticket to helpdesk@glendale.edu, defining technology request
- After response from help desk technician, check out your equipment from ITS (library 1st floor)
Note: Make sure you are wearing protective face covering when picking up equipment during COVID19 safety protocols.
Keep in mind that checking out equipment for Part Time Faculty requests will be fulfilled subject to availability (not necessarily preferred device/s).
Check out of available equipment will be disbursed on a “fist come / first serve” basis.
IT will certainly do our best to make sure equipment is available; however, there might be rare circumstances where this is not possible. In these cases IT will assess the need based on specific technology requests and escalate for timely resolution.
If your request is denied, you need to contact me immediately (jwolfgra@glendale.edu), so we can sort this out with the District. Furthermore, you should share the information with your Division Chair.
Fewer Assignments.
Due to the campus closure, fewer classes are available for Part-Timers. If you have questions about scheduling, the Guild can help facilitate conversations with your Division chair about any concerns you might have with your Fall 2020 or Spring 2021 schedule in the remote environment. Please contact me or, for those at Garfield, Nune Yeganyan at nuney@glendale.edu.
Some of you may be concerned about the cancelation of evaluations during the pandemic. If you were already on the rehire rights list in Spring 2020 and were not evaluated, you maintain your rehire rights. If your class(es) are canceled due to low enrollment, you maintain your rehire rights. If you were scheduled to be evaluated in Spring 2020 and were not evaluated due to the pandemic, you will not be evaluated for another three years (Spring 2023); there will not be a "make-up" evaluation. All adjunct faculty may take a leave of absence for one semester and maintain their rehire rights.
For those Part-Timers who were hoping to have been evaluated last spring in order to be placed on the rehire rights list, you may contact your chair to request an evaluation. If you run into any obstacles, email me.
For those who were hired in the spring of 2020 and missed your first evaluation, you will be evaluated this fall.
On a related note, remember that you also have the right to request an evaluation off-cycle per the Guild Bargaining Agreement, Article IX Evaluation Procedures, Section 9:
Evaluation of Adjunct (Hourly) Instructional or Student Services Faculty Members: An adjunct faculty member receiving an overall rating of either “needs to improve” or “meets professional standards” shall, upon his/her written request, be granted one additional evaluation during the regular six-semester cycle. The additional evaluation shall not change the evaluation cycle itself, which begins with the first evaluation.
Sick Leave Hours.
At present, an accurate accounting of sick leave hours must be manually computed for each individual. We understand the importance of knowing sick-leave hours should you become ill and/or should you decide to retire. If you’d like to check how many sick-leave hours you have, please email Lianna Khatcherian at lkhatcherian@glendale.edu.
Medical Insurance.
You have until the end of this week to sign up for medical insurance through GCC. This benefit was a huge win for Part-Timers at our campus. Most Part-Timers across the state do not have access to affordable health care in this age of COVID! Please contact Menchie Braza at mbraza@glendale.edu.
You probably heard Governor Newsom’s announcement to put a two-week hold on EDD because of the rising backlog of applications. You probably were not surprised! Many Part-Timers across the state have yet to hear from their summer applications. Do not let this pause deter you from applying if you do not receive any assignments, or if you receive a reduction in assignments. It is our right to apply for UI benefits as we have no reasonable assurance of employment. Again, I will refer you to the Contingent World website for help in the application forms. http://www.contingentworld.com/unemployment/unemployment_reopen.php.
Column Shifts.
It has come to my attention that column shifts in compensation are not automatic for Part-Time faculty. Steps are automatic, but column shifts are not. You must specifically request a change in column should you qualify for such change. Columns are based upon units of education. Please contact HR if you believe you deserve a column shift.
Phew! That’s a lot! But, the reality is that Part-Timers are taking on the majority of the burden to transition to remote learning, and we need to be aware of our rights!
I have been a member of the state CFT Part Time Faculty Committee for many years. As such, I can advocate for you at the state level! Please let me know of any other issues that have affected your ability to help our students succeed at Glendale. Send me an email at jwolfgra@glendale.edu. Current topics on the CFT Part Time Faculty Committee agenda include disability insurance, evaluations, parity pay, and training pay.
The Part Time Faculty Guild Meeting is currently scheduled for Saturday, October 3. Save the date! This is our own guild meeting where all issues affecting Part Time faculty can be addressed and discussed. If there are particular areas of concern that you would like to see on the agenda at our upcoming meeting, please let me know ASAP. Send me an email now, jwolfgra@glendale.edu.
The last week of October is known as Campus Equity Week across the nation. It is at this time when we raise awareness of the working conditions of Part-Time faculty. Help me help you. Let me know of issues and concerns that our community should be made aware! I will be planning several events.
Again, don’t hesitate to reach out to me at any time, jwolfgra@glendale.edu.
In unity,
Your 2nd VP,