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Chaparral 2020-2021: 29.1 Letter from the Editor

Letter from the Editor

Welcome back, I know—I usually try to be more uplifting in these letters, but we must acknowledge the crises we are experiencing, because this is what we are facing right now. It’s a lot.

But I have been utterly impressed by the way GCC has not just pushed through these crises so far, but has actively pulled together and lifted each other up. Perhaps the most notable action being taken is all of the anti-racist work being done. I’ve seen real, dedicated strides made towards anti-racist curriculum as part of the Curriculum and Instruction committee, and I know there is work being done as well in the Senate, the Guild, individual divisions, and elsewhere across our virtual campus that I apologize if I’ve neglected to mention.

If you are part of, or know of, any work being done on this and you want to share this good work with all of our colleagues, please reach out: I would be delighted to highlight this work in future issues of Chaparral!

This month brings you a powerful and informative issue. Juli Wolfgram shares vital information about how the pandemic is affecting part-timers and what needs to be done to support them; Narbeh Nazari reminds us of the tireless dedication of our classified staff during the pandemic; Emily Haraldson embarks on a most excellent adventure as the new Guild president; Frankie Strong tells us how to keep information flowing in governance; Roger Dickes discusses how to be person-centered in these challenging times; Julie Gamberg and Sandy Somo share the origins and philosophy behind building bridges with colleagues; and, of course, we have a bunch of great reading recommendations and a few excellent milestones to celebrate.

Once again, I am humbled to be able to put together this newsletter for you, since it’s really the writers that are the stars of this show. Thank you to our previous Chaparral columnists, and welcome to our new crew!

Stay safe and be well,

Joanna Parypinski

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