Hi Everyone!
I have some fun-facts for you about Governance, but before we delve into those I’d like to share what I was reflecting on during this sentimental time of the year. (Anyone else feeling it, too?)
We can see that the end of the year is fast approaching.
The path ahead may be a bit cloudy as we don’t see the end to this pandemic.
This year has been, to put it lightly, different. Different isn’t always bad, but it is not always good nor easy.
This year we at GCC have shown our unity, tenacity, and spirit of family. Our persistent efforts have resulted in a GCC that continues to place students first through innovative teaching and learning, and by way of focused decision-making. We have solidified our commitment to a stronger community.
Thank you to my GCC Family! Someday I’m going to hug each of you! (Disclaimer – only if you would like a hug).
Sincerely, frankie
Ok, ready for the fun-facts?
Glendale Community College
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Governance
Click below to learn about Governance
The Blue List is a list of governance committees, and includes each committees’ purpose and membership; information includes mission statement, meeting times, and the representative seat composition.
The date after the name of each committee member indicates when the member’s term of service is over. For example, (23-24) means that this term ends at the close of spring semester 2024. Each spring each appointing agency has the option to fill the position with another person or reappoint the current committee member.
The committees on the Blue List are governed by Administrative Regulation 2511, the Governance Document.
The Governance Document is Administrative Regulation 2511. It defines the structure and mechanism of how college-wide decisions are recommended through input from all college constituencies. The Governance Document is available online.
Contact the Governance Office by email fstrong@glendale.edu to make known your interest in a specific committee. The governance office will forward your name to the appointing agency for consideration.
The executive committee of each agency, Guild, Senate, CSEA, or the ASGCC, appoints its own representative(s). Administration and Manager/Confidential seats are appointed by the Superintendent/President and, when applicable, the appropriate Vice President. These groups are the only agencies allowed to appoint an individual to a committee as a voting member.
It is helpful for new members to attend the Governance Workshop that is offered during the Fall semester. The workshop introduces you to the governance system at Glendale Community College and basic procedures for participating in governance. Additionally, new members should contact the agency that appointed them, and follow “Governance Best Practices” – a document available on the Governance webpage
If you will be on leave or on sabbatical for a semester, your proxy must be from the same constituency and area/division. Proxy may not already be a voting member of the committee. The governance office, and committee chair should be notified. Instructions are on the Proxy Form.
The chair of the committee is responsible for notifying all committee members, including students, of meetings. Committee chairs should notify students of meetings by emailing asvpad@glendale.edu and by placing an agenda in the “ASGCC” mailbox. Obtaining students’ personal email address is encouraged. To receive meeting notification contact the chair or recording secretary of that committee (see Blue List or Scheduled Meetings).
With the exception of a few committees, any voting member of the committee can be elected as chair by other committee members. Elections of a committee chair occur at the first meeting during fall semester. Some chair seats are ex officio.
The agency that appoints a committee member has the authority to remove the member. Lack of attendance is a reason for removal. A member may choose to resign by way of contacting the Governance office in addition to informing the committee chairperson.
All committee members should receive the agenda at least 4 working days prior to the meeting. Committee chairs should notify students of meeting by emailing asvpad@glendale.edu and by placing an agenda in the “ASGCC” mailbox. Agendas should be forwarded to the Governance Office by email to be included on the Scheduled Meetings webpage.
Any member of the committee may take minutes. Some committees rotate the duty for each meeting while others have a set minutes recorder.
Details are listed in Administrative Regulation 2511, the Governance Document, section “Communications and Operations”. For example, the minutes should reflect attendance; votes taken with rationale; next meeting date.
Minutes should reflect what actions have been decided by the committee and should record motions that were put to a vote. Recording the opinions of members in minutes is not recommended.
The Campus Executive Committee will refer to the committee’s minutes when considering approval of all items.
The flow of information follows the graphic that is at the beginning of the FAQs It is the committee chair’s responsibility to forward minutes and a motions report to the appropriate standing committee via email, and to the Governance Office. The Governance Office Coordinator prepares the report of committee activities to the College Executive Committee. Minutes are posted online only after the standing committee has reviewed them and the College Executive Committee has reviewed the governance committees’ activity report.
All reported motions and committee activity are published in the monthly Governance Update. Most recent copies of minutes, that have been forwarded to the governance office, are available online in SharePoint. In SharePoint go to the “Committees” tab, select the “Governance” button, “Minutes” from the left navigation. Link to Governance committee minutes. If you do not find what you need please contact the chair of the committee. On the Blue List, committee chairs are underlined, this is an email link.
You can refer to Administrative Regulation 2511, the Governance Document or consult the Governance Review Committee. You can also refer to the committee’s Mission Statement, which can be found on the Blue List.
Problems should be reported to the chairperson of the Governance Review Committee. A link to the current chairperson is available on the Blue List or contact the Governance office. Or to the Governance Office fstrong@glendale.edu.
As always if I can help, please connect with me, Frankie Strong by email fstrong@glendale.edu.
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