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Chaparral 2020-2021: 29.4 Governance TidBits

Governance TidBits

by Frankie Strong

Governance Office Coordinator

What’s Happening in Governance at GCC?

Before we get to that let us touch base on what governance means at GCC.

Governance: the system of how an organization conducts business including its decision-making processes

From Administrative Regulation 2511: the Governance Document

“Governance is a process involving students, classified staff, manager/confidential employees, faculty and administrators in deliberations regarding day-to-day and long-range planning and policies for the college. These deliberations lead to recommendations, which the Superintendent/President carries forward, as appropriate, to the Board of Trustees for final approval.”

All stakeholders are involved in our governance processes. The outcomes of our decision-making here at GCC affect students and employees alike. Some of the key bodies that contribute are the Academic Senate; Associated Students of GCC (ASGCC); Academic Senate committees; the unions of the faculty and classified staff; the Guided Pathways steering and work groups; and all Governance committees.


Here’s what is happening in Governance at GCC:

Governance committees continue to meet via ConferZoom. When available, agendas are posted on the governance webpage on the “Scheduled Meetings” page. Governance committees are those that are listed on the Blue List and who adhere to guidelines set forth in Administrative Regulation 2511: the Governance Document.

To view each governance committee’s purpose and membership, visit the Blue List.

Appointing Representatives to Governance Committees

It’s that time of year when we begin the appointment process of appointing representatives to governance committees. A call for volunteers is sent out to faculty and staff to fill vacant seats and to prepare for the fall semester. This ‘pool’ of volunteers is made available for the appointing bodies to deliberate and appoint an appropriate representative. If you are interested in serving on a committee, or if your term of a committee will be ending, please contact the governance office to make known your interest in serving or in being re-appointed.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

A most important and timely committee has been formed! The DEI Committee (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) is a subcommittee of the Academic Senate; they will convene at the end of March 2021.

The Mission: The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee will involve students, alumni, faculty and staff, as well as external communities, in the development of recommendations to the Academic Senate regarding robust research, symposia, lectures, and curricular expansion on issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in all disciplines.

Check out the list of Academic Senate Committees here.

Our Guided Pathways Efforts

We have greatly moved the needle forward in our approach to student success! Check out the Learning and Professional Pathways on the Guided Pathways webpage

Updates are shared during the monthly Board of Trustees meetings, but you can keep up with the action by attending the monthly Guided Pathways Open Forum meeting and reviewing the good information on the webpage.

Accreditation Kickoff

And last but not least, we had our Accreditation Kickoff event on March 19th. Every seven years GCC undergoes a comprehensive self-reflection and assessment in order to retain its accredited status. The event was hosted by Gohar Momjian, Vice President of the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC). She presented information on the process and standards of college accreditation, shared the important changes at ACCJC, and discussed some great tips for completing our own Institutional Self-Evaluation Report (ISER). GCC’s ISER is due December 15, 2022.


Thank you College Community for your commitment and participation in shared governance! It’s because of you that our governance system works well and ensures our continued progress.

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