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Chaparral 2017-2018: 26.6 CSEA Connection

CSEA Connection

A Look Into Future Events

by Narbeh Nazari
CSEA President


Dear Classified Staff,
As we are approaching the end of school year, let’s glimpse into what is in the future forecast of issues and events that may have direct impact on classified staff.

Guided Pathways

One of the major changes in the works is Guided pathways. It is a framework for restructuring all community colleges to improve the student experience for everyone, from entry through graduation.

Guided Pathways will impact classified staff in their area of work including their roles and responsibilities. It is vital for our classified staff to participate in development and implementation of Guided Pathways at Glendale Community College.

Governor Jerry Brown’s Community College funding proposal

Governor Jerry Brown’s new funding plan and its impact on Glendale Community College could potentially result in significant revenue loss.

The funding formula is based on how 50 percent of future funding would be tied to enrollment size, 25 percent would depend on how many students receive state financial aid, and the remaining 25 percent would be tied to the number of degrees and certificates granted.

CSEA's 92nd Annual Conference

CSEA's 92nd Annual Conference will be held at the Sacramento Convention Center starting July 29 through August 2, 2018. There will be pre-conference activities beginning on Sunday, July 29. Representing every local chapter, delegates will participate in voting on resolutions, adopt a budget, presenting major awards.

In addition to the formally scheduled events, the conference presents members with a unique opportunity to listen to and exchange ideas, share problems and solutions, and network with colleagues from around the state.

Janus v. AFSCME

A U.S. Supreme Court case called Janus v. AFSCME Council 31 threatens our union. The corporate special interests behind this case is to weaken the union by taking away our ability to build strength in numbers. That is why they want the Supreme Court to rule that employees can receive all the benefits of a union contract without contributing anything in return.

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